Chapter 29

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"Jugnu bhaiyaaaaaaaa!" A girl of 8 years of age was yelling.

"Jugnu bhaiya come here please!" The boy yelled too.

It was a peaceful serene hilly Village. Electricity for a limited time, no connection to roadways, yet people lived a peaceful life. They have learnt to live their life in a simple yet meaningful manner.

"What happened?" A lady in her late 30s  came out of a small wooden hut.

"Ma! That girl..... She...." Girl told everything to her mother.

"Oh my God!" The lady exclaimed, "Where is jugnu?"

"He is there, cutting wood!" A man in his early 40s said pointing towards a man. His hair was shining in the setting sun.

Lady went near Jugnu. She said, "Jugnu! A girl fell down the cliff. Children will take you there. Will you be able to carry her here?"

Jugnu smiled and said, "Sure bhabhi!"

His chocolate brown eyes twinkled.

Children guided him towards the place. And with the speed of lightning, he ran towards the girl. Only her hair was visible covering the whole face of hers. But for a second, Jugnu stopped. Why did he feel a connection! Was it because she had fallen from the same cliff he remembered himself falling from! And that was the only memory he had of his previous life 8 months back!

Carefully, he removed the hair from her face. He felt as if an electric shock ran in his brain. A shock so powerful that he held his head tightly.

"Bhaiya! What happened?" Boy asked.

"Nothing!" Jugnu lied. But he knew he had seen the face.

"Bhaiya!" The girl said, "She was too possessive for jhumkas. She said someone had gifted them to her and he is no longer in this world! I am feeling very bad for her!"

Jugnu nodded. But the moment he saw the jhumka, again something struck his memory hard. There was a foggy image of somewhere. He was with a girl.

His whole body had started to ache now. Taking a deep breath, he kept his flashback aside and took the girl in his arms. As if someone had swarmed his mind with foggy flashbacks. Her touch was very known to him. As if he longed for this touch. As if he had waited for this touch.

Then his gaze fell on her lips which were discolored to bluish tint. Her body temperature was dropping. It was good that the snow did the required cushioning effect. Otherwise she would not have survived the fall. She was as lucky as he was. He too fell over the residual snow. Though a bullet was there on his shoulder, Raja bhaiya, the father of these children saved him anyhow. But he lost his every memory.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not even realise when he reached the village. Raja bhaiya and his wife, Dharma bhabhi, were waiting for him along with other villagers.

It was more than 2 hours since he took the girl here. There was no network so calling someone from girl's side was not possible.

Jugnu sat outside staring at the sky. Why was he feeling so anxious for the girl! Why was he getting restless! Why was he getting flashbacks back to back!

He stared at the ring he wore in his hand! It was sure he was either engaged or married! Was his fiance or wife still waiting for him! Who he really was? What was his original identity?

"Jugnu!" Raja bhaiya came from behind.

"Ji bhaiya!" He replied.

"I am noticing you! Since you bring back the girl, you are a bit out of the place? What happened?"

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