Be My Valentine | Daniel Marsh

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Y/n's pov

Valentines Day is near.

And if you're asking me, how's my love life? It's not really going well. Still single as a pringle. Well, I have a crush on someone, someone who I know will never feel the same way about me. She's too dense to even know about it.

Wanna know who that person is?

"Y/nnie!!!" I heard a familiar voice call my name. Turning around, I felt arms engulfed around my neck, knocking me down on the floor with the person on top of me.

"Ow, Dani!" I groaned, feeling my butt hurt when it made contact with the floor. I glanced up to see my best friend all giggly and her smile very wide. Happiness is seen all over her face.

(have pitty on y/n's toosh)

Danielle Marsh. My best friend, and my crush ever since we're little.

"Sorry! Just got really excited," Danielle stood up, pulling my hand to help me stand up from the floor as I huffed and dusted my clothes.

"And why is that?" I asked, raising my brows at her. Again, another wide smile made its way to her pretty face, I just know what this is all about.

I groaned, "Is it about that guy Adam?"

Danielle shrieked loudly, making me cover my ears. "Eek! Yes, yes, and yes!" She replied, bouncing her legs up and down in excitement.

Adam is Danielle's crush. She never stops talking about him like literally. She talks about him 24/7. Whenever we go to classes together, Adam. Whenever we eat lunch, the topic is always Adam. Whenever we hang out, it's always Adam here, Adam there. I'm getting sick of that name.

I mentally rolled my eyes, "What about Adam?" I boringly asked.

"I'm gonna confess to him!" My eyes widened im surprise, side eyeing Danielle.

"Wait, what!?"

"Uhuh! Im gonna do it on Valentine's Day. Im gonna ask him out!" Danielle replied enthusiastically.

Can you hear my heart breaking? Ew, drama.

I bitterly smiled at her, "That's great, I guess. Go for it, Dani," My best friend nodded her head as she took a step, bringing me in for another hug.

"Thanks for supporting me, bestie," She mumbled, snuggling her face in my neck.

Just got friendzoned, you guys.

I sigh, patting her back in comfort. "Of course, it's you. I'll be supportive in everything you do,"

Wow, what a coward Y/n. I'm such a coward.

"So, Valentine's Day is coming. Any plans you two?" Sunoo asked, another friend of ours. Danielle released the hug shrieking in joy as she told Sunoo her plan on Valentine's Day.

"So you're gonna confess to Adam?" Sunoo repeated.

"Yes! So pretty pleaseee, I need your help! The two of you. What should I get him!?" She pleaded as Sunoo chuckled at Danielle's excitement.

"Get him whatever boystuff you can find girl,"

"You're a genius, Sunoo-yah! I definitely will, thanks!" Danielle squealed in delight. She really is excited.

"What about you, Y/n? Any plans?" Sunoo asked.

"Meh, I'll just probably head to the library and sleep there," I blankly stated, shrugging my shoulders in the process clearly not in the mood to talk to anyone.

Sunoo noticed this, as he worryingly glanced at me and back at Danielle, who still has a wide smile on her face, scrolling through her phone to find the best gift she can find for stupid Adam.

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