Sick Together | Kang Haerin

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Stuck with u 2.0


3rd person's pov

It was a Saturday night, Y/n was inside her shared room with Minji, sick cause she caught the flu while the others are in the living room watching movies together, having fun and stuff as she was left alone to recover.

But that ended when the door opened, revealing Danielle with a sick-looking cat beside her.

"Umm, what the hell is wrong with her?" Y/n asked Danielle.

"Same as your situation right now. She also caught the flu. Now I'll be leaving you two together, Minji will be giving your meds later, see ya!" Danielle said and pushed Haerin inside the room before shutting the door behind.

"W-wait! You can't leave me with her!" But too late, Danielle was already gone.

It was silent for a while, making it awkward for the both of them. Y/n sighed as she glanced at Haerin only to find the girl glaring at her.

The girl clicked her tongue and sat at Minji's bed, huffing.

"You caught the flu?" Y/n decided to break the silence.

Haerin nodded, hugging her jacket tighter around her.

"That sucks, I guess it's the two of us, huh?"

"It seems to be, don't talk to me. You're the reason why I got the flu," Haerin coldly stated and laid down at Minji's bed, turning to the other side, her back facing Y/n.

"W-what!? No, I didn't. I stayed inside here the whole 2 days, and I haven't even stepped outside this damn room!" Y/n argued as Haerin sat up and looked at her.

"Well, then how the hell did I get sick!? It's only you who has the flu here! Remember that time we got stuck together in the room? A-and I... tripped and fell on top of you," Haerin mumbled the last sentence to herself, her cheeks turning red.

"What? I can't hear what you just said, but it doesn't matter. Why do I even bother talking to you?" Y/n scoffed and laid down on her bed, turning to face the other side.

"Nyenyenye," Haerin mocked, rolling her eyes.

"You're impossible, you know that?" Y/n muttered under her breath, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement at Haerin's action.

"And you're insufferable," Haerin shot back, her voice laced with annoyance. "I can't believe I'm stuck with you again,"

"Trust me, the feeling's mutual. I'd rather be anywhere else than stuck in here with you," Y/n retorted.

Haerin scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, it's not like I had a choice in the matter. Thanks to you, I'm now suffering through this stupid flu,"

Y/n sat up, slightly facing Haerin.

"How exactly?"

"When we were stuck in that room the other day!"

Y/n scoffed, "Last time I checked, I didn't force you to trip and fall on top of me,"

Haerin's cheeks flush with embarrassment, but she quickly recovers, shooting Y/n a glare. "That's beside the point! If you hadn't been in the way, none of this would have happened..."

"Oh, so I shouldn't have been in the way then? Actually, a thank you might have been nicer to hear since I saved you that time from getting faceplanted to the ground,"

Haerin was about to reply when Y/n interrupted. "You know what, just forget it. Arguing with you is like talking to a brick wall," and laid back down.

Haerin glared at Y/n's back.

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