Pranks and Surprises | Pham Hanni

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3rd person's pov

Between a couple whose names are Y/n and Hanni, Y/n was the spontaneous, active, adventurous girl, while Hanni on the other hand was a calm and demeanor girl who always likes to spend her time by watching movies or reading books. It's a mystery how both of them were able to get together.

Of course, it's normal to have the funny one in their relationship, and it's obvious enough who it was. Y/n likes to play pranks on her girlfriend all the time.

She likes Hanni to think that she got hurt by fainting, puking out fake blood, falling down the stairs, and many more that would probably put a heart attack on her girlfriend's.

And so Hanni finally had enough.

"Honey bee, I'm going out with my friends today. Is it okay with you?" Y/n asked her girlfriend, who was peacefully reading a book on their couch.

Hanni smiled and nodded, "Sure, honey. Just make sure to get back safely, okay?"

"Aye, aye, my queen bee," Y/n playfully saluted, bending down to plant a sweet kiss on Hanni's lips.

"I'll be home by 8," Y/n mentioned before heading towards the door.

"Have fun! I'll be here waiting," Hanni said, blowing a flying kiss.

"I love you!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Love you too, take care!"

With that, they bid their goodbyes, leaving Hanni alone in their shared apartment, watching movies and reading books to pass the time.

A few hours later.

Hanni glanced at the wall clock and saw that it was already late. In fact, it was almost midnight, and Y/n told her she'd be back by 8 pm.

Concerned, she grabbed her phone and dialed Y/n's number. But to her dismay, she didn't pick up.

She tried calling a few more times, each call her anxiety was rising, thoughts filled with worry for her.

"Aish, why won't you pick up?" Hanni talked to herself, anxiously listening to her phone ring.

And finally, Y/n picked up.

"Yah! Where are you? It's already midnight you goof! You said you'd be back by 8. You need to get your ass back here right now or I'll kil–"

"Umm... hi, this is one of Y/n's friends," she heard a man's voice on the other line say.

Hanni knitted her brows in confusion.

"I'm sorry you had to hear all of that, but where's my girlfriend? Why do you have her phone? Who even are yo–"

"Before you ask even more questions, can you please come to the hospital right now? Erm... your girlfriend is currently in the OR getting surgery," Y/n's friend explained.

Hanni's eyes widened and stood up in shock but then realized.

"Are you being for real? Is this one of her stupid pranks again? I can't believe that idiot. She even tried using her friends to help her!?" Hanni yelled in frustration.

"Get her in the phone,"

"What? I can't! She's at the OR right now as I said,"

"Listen here bud, what's your name?"

"Umm, Beomgyu?"

"Beomgyu. I want you to give her the phone and let me talk to her," Hanni gritted her teeth, fed up with her girlfriend's antics.

"But I told you! she's at the OR!"





"Hello, is this Ms. Pham?" Another voice was heard on the line.

"Yes this is she, may I know who I'm speaking with?"

"I'm Dr. Kim, please come here to the hospital. Your girlfriend is currently looking for you,"

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Yes, Ms. Pham. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more patients to attend to,"

Hanni, in a hurry, threw on a jacket and halted down a taxi cab to get to where Y/n was. When she arrived, she checked with a nurse to find out where Y/n's room was.

As she rushes to that room, she opened the door and found a smiling Y/n with bandages on her forehead and a cast on her arm.

"Honey bee! You're here–"


"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Y/n groaned, feeling the pain of Hanni's smack.

Hanni only stood there, glaring down at her girlfriend.

"You smack idiot smack what smack were smack you smack doing!? SMACK"

Ouch, you might say.

"Umm, Hanni? You're kinda hurting her a little too muc–" Beomgyu began, but was cut off by a stern glare from Hanni as he quickly raised both of his hands in the air, making it look like he was surrendering to the police and slowly backed off near the door.

"Aight, I'm out! See ya later Y/n. Get well soon!" Beomgyu said, offering Hanni one last smile and left the room clearly scared of the girl.

Returning her focus to her girlfriend, Hanni found Y/n in tears, clutching her injured arm and biting her lip in pain.

Hanni rolled her eyes but couldn't resist a chuckle as she observed her girlfriend. In her eyes, Y/n looked incredibly cute.

"Why'd you do that?" Y/n whined like a baby, sniffling afterward.

"I just... thought it was another one of your pranks again. I'm sorry, honey bee. Did I hurt you?" Hanni calmed down, gently caressing her girlfriend's cast.

Y/n pouted, "I'm sorry if you think I'm annoying. I do it because it's how I show how much I love you,"

Hanni smiled, her heart melting. "I know you do, and I love you even more,"

The both of them smiled at each other for a second before Hanni hugged Y/n. However, Y/n winced in pain as she felt her injured arm being crushed by the hug.

"Ow! Ow! Honey bee it hurts!"

Hanni chuckled mischievously, "You deserve it," she whispered in Y/n's ear.

Y/n whined as Hanni chuckled and said sorry to her once again, kissing Y/n on the lips to make her stop from crying.

Though Y/n might be childish at some time, maybe all the time. Hanni still loves her for her playful personality, and that was what made Hanni fall for the girl.

Seems like she'll be taking care of this big baby for a longggg time.

And she didn't mind one bit.

1079 words

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