coyotes and apologies

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me and georgie were sitting at the table with the rest of my family eating dinner.

"so georgie, do you only play football or do you do other sports?" my dad asked "only football sir." georgie replied. "oh and my dad invited all of y'all over on sunday for the cowboys game. my mom will be making snacks and my meemaw will be making brisket" he said

"we'd love to go" my mom smiled, this dinner was less miserable than the others since georgie was here but he unfortunately had to leave after dinner.

i was currently laying in bed waiting for everyone to go to sleep. i knew my parents were asleep i just need delilah to go to sleep so i can sneak out and walk around. it's what i do to get things off my mind.

once i heard snoring i grabbed my bag and opened my window. i quickly got out and shut it. i started walking around the neighborhood until i found a spot to sit down. i sat down and looked at the stars, i got lost in my own thoughts.

"olivia?" i heard a familiar voice ask "georgie?" i said as i sat up to look at him.

"what are you doing?" he asked

"looking at the stars what are you doing?" i asked him

"i'm walking around, wanna join?" he said and i nodded. he helped me up from the ground and started walking around.

"so why do you walk around at night?" he asked making conversation. "uh just to clear my mind, it's very peaceful at night" i replied.

we walked around for while until we heard coyotes. like right behind us. "liv run!" georgie yelled.

"i can't run fast! there gonna get me!" i said and he grabbed my hand and started running. "god i hate living in texas" i said out of breath. we still haven't dropped hands.

"i only hate it when something like this happens" he said laughing

"hey tomorrow night after everyone's asleep wanna go get ice cream together?" he asked "oh and i'm gonna walk you back to your house so i can make sure you get home safe" he added

"you know we live by each other right?" i laughed

"i'm gonna watch you walk through your window so you don't get eaten by coyotes"

"what if you get eaten by coyotes"

"i'll fight them off"

"pretty sure you'd die" i laughed and we walked in silence

"wait before you leave you didn't answer my question about ice cream" he said finally letting go of my hand. "i'd love to, i'll ask my mom for some money during the day and not spend it" i said and we both laughed at it.

"i'll see you tomorrow via" he said watching me climb through the window. "bye" i whispered closing the window. i turned on my lamp and jumped when i saw my siblings

"so 'via' was time with your boyfriend" parker said sitting next to delilah

"he's not my boyfriend" i sighed

"no one calls you via" delilah said

"so tell us what did y'all do" she said, i do hate delilah but she's my only sister and i tell her everything which kinda makes me love her.

"he saw me laying on the ground looking at the stars and we just walked around......and we got chased by coyotes" i laughed thinking about it then sighed. "i'm tired so i'm gonna go change." i said grabbing some clothes going into the bathroom.

"i could see y'all holding hands through the window." delilah said, the room was quiet.

"i'm sorry for being so mean to you lately and well all the times you didn't deserve it." she added

"i'm also sorry for being mean to you. it's like one day we woke up and chose to be mean to each other. i don't remember the last time we were nice to each other." i said and we started talking about our memories of each other from childhood.

"so tomorrow do you wanna hang out? maybe parker can go with us, he made me realize that we are all so mean to each other and we should spend more time together" she said smiling

"yeah but are we gonna be back before night time?" i asked and she gave me a look

"meeting up with your boyfriend?" she joked

"he asked me to go get ice cream tomorrow night and stop calling him my boyfriend or we aren't gonna be on good terms anymore" we both laughed

tonight was a good night.

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