birthday girl and a puppy

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todays my mom still made me go to school today which is so sad. anyways i'm currently walking into school with my siblings and so far everyone i know knows that it's my birthday. i don't like that.

"hey birthday girl" alice said as her georgie,sam and eleanor walked up to us. georgie handed me a box and made me open it. my eyes lit up as i saw a beautiful silver necklace that i've wanted for a very long time. "woah" delilah said looking at it. "liv you gotta like buy this man something for christmas now" parker said also looking at it

"dude this is like 50 bucks i was looking at it when we went to the mall the other day" i said looking at the necklace. "yeah i saw you wanted it and scammed my parents and meemaw out of some money and bought it for you" he said very happy cause of the look on my face. "thank you thank you thank you!" i said hugging him. he smelt amazing like a woody scent.

"i didn't get you a present but i did get you a birthday sash" sam smirked and handed it to me. "i am not wearing that" i said and parker laughed "oh yeah you are, i don't care if we have to physically hold you down and put it on" parker says while he turned his head to me "put it on" he said and sam held it out. "come on livy put it on" alice smirked "put it on" sam started chanting "via put it on" georgie said

"it's so embarrassing" i said grabbed the sash and putting it over my head. my brother laughed at me before walking to class with delilah.

"at least you look cute" georgie said whihc made my face turn red. i looked at the ground to make sure no one saw.

"let's just uhm go to class" i said walking off and then following behind me.

"dude you were so hard core blushing earlier" alice whispered to me as i sat down in english. "no i wasn't" i lied "girl" she said slightly laughing

throughout the day so many random people came up to me and told me happy birthday which i did not like. luckily school was over so i could take my sash off.

"you so loved having that sash on" sam said and i disagreed. "to many people came up to me i didn't like it at all" i said gracefully handing it back to him. "nuh uh you better keep that" he said putting some sass in it. i saw georgie walking towards us, i waved at him and he waved back.

"my mom invited your family over for my birthday dinner, i forgot to tell you this morning" i said to him and he nodded. we said bye to sam and alice then me and georgie left to go to my house.

i unlocked the door, no clue why it's locked but it is. anyways we walked in and i started walking to my room but georgie pulled me back

"did you not see that?" he asked and i looked confused. "what?" i said walking back into the living room. i saw a puppy a really cute one. i saw my mom walk out of the kitchen with my siblings.

"we convinced mom to get you a dog, we were gonna get you a weenie dog but we couldn't find any so we got you a collie" delilah said "what's its name? is it a boy or a girl?" i said

"you pick the name, it's a girl" mom said

"georgie help me out" i said petting the dog, georgie came to sit next to me also petting the dog. he started naming off names for her. i saw my mom run to her room and grabbed her camrea.

"what about bo?" georgie said "i love that" i said repeating the name to the dog. "hold up bo!" she said as georgie quickly realized she was taking a picture and got out. "georgie get back in there" parker smirked and whispered something to delilah. my mom took a Polaroid of us. she handed it to us. "you look so cute bo" i said showing the dog the picture.

me and georgie went into my room while he was playing with the puppy i hung up the picture of us on my wall.

"let me take you out for ice cream." georgie said

"you already bought me a 50 dollar necklace" i said

"you know when someone offers to take you out for something, especially for free just say yes" he argued

"what if i don't want ice cream" i said

"we can get whatever you want" he said

"even tacos?" i asked

"even tacos" he said, i laid my head on his shoulder

"happy birthday via" georgie said lightly scratching my back

"your gonna make me go to bed georgie" i said laughing "but thank you, for everything especially the necklace i love it" i smiled

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