the carnival and the question

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me and my friends are going to the carnival, it took a lot of convincing but we are going.

"what are you guys wearing?" eleanor asked me delilah and alice. "these shorts and a diffrent shirt" i said looking for a shirt. "dude you making a mess" delilah said "i'll clean it after i finish looking" i sighed.

i found a simple black t-shirt and tied it in the back. i cleaned up my mess and did makeup and my hair. i helped everyone else get ready and helped them do their hair.

"are y'all ready" parker asked and we all nodded. we picked up georgie sam and missy cause she wanted to go. apparently she was meeting up with some of her friends.

once we got there we paid and started with the rides. we all decided to wait till night for the ferris wheel.

we played games and rode half of the rides. we are getting hungry so we went to find food. personally fair food is the best.

"so what are you gonna get" georgie asked "i don't know yet i kinda want a cheese fries" i said "want anything to drink?" he said getting out his money "a lemonade..why are you getting out money?" i asked "i'm gonna pay for you" he smiled, i looked back to alice and she gave me a look. we got up to the thing and he ordered for me and payed for it.

"thank you" i smiled taking a bite out of my fries. we all found a seat and sat down to eat. we talked about what's next and whatever.

we went on more rides and it was finally dark so we went on ferris wheel. we all paired up obviously me and georgie were together.

we got to the top and i started looking around but georgie was staring at me. "georgie look around! look at the view!" i said he came over to sit next to me and looking around.

"hey via?" georgie said "hey georgie" i said i looked at him and he was nervous.

"will you be my girlfriend?"

"yes georgie i will!" i said kissing him.

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