sibling time and ice cream

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me, delilah and parker are sitting at the table talking about our day today.

"my three children getting along?" my dad joking. "dad can we use the truck? i didn't know mom was leaving to run errands so we planned on using her car but she kinda left" parker asked

"yeah be back before dinner" he said and we all nodded. we all went into our rooms and got ready. i put on a fleetwood mac shirt and black shorts with some sneakers.

i walked out into the living room and sat with my brother until delilah was ready. we walked out of the house together and saw missy, georgie and sheldon outside.

"hey via! hey parker! hey delilah" georgie said

"olivia!" missy said, they both ran over to us while sheldon stayed sat on the ground reading his book.

"where are y'all goin' ?" georgie asked

"oh we are just gonna go to the mall for a while...not really gonna buy anything" i said as delilah and missy talked and parker started the truck.

"you know if you want to buy anything, i have enough money for the two of us i can buy your ice cream." he said to me. "no georgie i can buy my own" i lied i can't "i don't want to waste your money." i smiled. i heard my brother call for me and delilah. "i'll see you later georgie, bye missy" i said going to the truck and getting inside.

"don't worry via we will get you back before your date" delilah laughed and i just rolled my eyes grabbing a random tape and putting it in the radio.

we got to the mall and window shopped for a while.

"should i buy a skateboard?" parker asked

"why would you want to do that" delilah said "you would break both of your ankles" i added "then you wouldn't be able to play any sports and we wouldn't get christmas presents cause of the hospital bill" i said

"true i'm not getting one" he said moving along, after a couple hours we ended up at the food court with multiple girls who were drooling over my brother.

"all these girls are disgusting" i whispered to delilah and she agreed. i saw a girl slip him money and my eyes lit up. we soon left and got into the truck.

"parker, can i please use that money?" i begged

"i thought you were going to ask mom for money" he sighed

"i was but she left and it's gonna look weird if ask now" i said

"didnt georgie say he'd pay for you?" delilah asked

"uh yeah but i can't take his money i feel bad" i said

"so he offered and you didn't take it?" parker said and i shook my head no.

"so basically your stupid" he added

"can we just go home" i said crossing my arms and sliding down my seat.

-hours later-

everyone but parker was asleep so i walked into his room and begged him for money one more time.

"i'll do anything you want" i told him while i fixed my tank top.

"even try and get me with a girl?" he asked, i rolled my eyes and nodded my head yes. he handed me the money and i thanked him.

i got out of my window and saw georgie standing there.

"i started to think you weren't coming" he joked

"i had to find my money" i smiled at him and we started walking towards the 24 hour ice cream shop. we talked about our days and how we felt about school. we arrived at the place and ordered ice cream.

i got cotton candy

(yes i'm using blue bell ice cream because that the only ice cream i eat and yes i'm from texas it sucks and yes cotton candy is an actual flavor it's so mf good)

and georgie got cookie dough

"hopefully we don't have to run away from coyotes again" i joked while eating my ice cream.

"hey it will give me an excuse to hold your hand again" he laughed making me laugh. was he joking or being for real..?

we walked around town until like midnight then got home. i once again found my two siblings sitting on the bed across from mine.

"so?" delilah said

"don't talk to me i'm tired" i said, they both started bothering me. i rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at them.

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