20: Celebrity Crush?

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Twenty: Celebrity Crush?


Once the three girls boarded the bus, they exchanged high-fives, giggling.

But why did Max break up with Lucas? I mean, she broke up with him constantly, but, what did he do?

Y/n leaned over from her spot in the middle to quietly ask Max something. "So, why did you break up with Lucas?"

Max shrugged. "I just... I don't think I'm that into him anymore I guess. There's- there's someone else."


"But I don't think they'd like me back anyway, so, I guess my main reason is not being into Lucas anymore."

Y/n nodded. For a moment, she actually thought she had a chance with Max, but she didn't.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

When they all made it back to their bus stop, Max and
Y/n explained to El what a sleepover was. Once she learned what it meant, El immediately decided they were going to have it at her house.

Y/n and Max heard this and continued with their lecture on sleepovers after agreeing. "Oh! And one thing about sleepovers, you can only invite people. You can't be like, 'Oh, let's sleepover st your house!'" Y/n informed her.

"... Why not?" El wondered

"It's just not polite I guess."

El furrowed her brows. "P-polite?"

"It means like- nice, or like... Yeah, nice I guess. That's the best I can explain it in a way you'll understand..." Max explained.



"You must be an angel."

"I can see it in your eyes."

Y/n lay on her stomach across El, who was flipping through a magazine and bobbing her head to the music Max was singing along to. Y/n's head rested in her right hand, as her left hand flipped through another magazine. Y/n was enjoying losing herself in Max's angelic voice, but when El reached a certain page, Max stopped singing, causing Y/n to look up at her.

"Oh, you found Ralph Macchio." Max said, intrigued. Y/n scooted to sit up, while Max kneeled on the floor, next to El, who was still on the bed. "Macchio?"

"Yeah, he's the Karate Kid!" Max said before 'karate chopping' the magazine. "Hiyah!"

"He's so hot, right?" Max added on.

Y/n shrugged. "I mean, I guess." Causing El and Max to both look at her. "What?" She asked at the looks.

"Okay, celebrity crush, then?" Max asked, climbing onto the bed to be next to Y/n.

"Uh, I don't know."

Y/n was way too close to saying Pheobe Cates.

"Like, River Phoenix?"

Okay, that wasn't entirely a lie. She liked boys too, and River Phoenix was definitely up her alley when it came to her taste

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