35: Alive and Okay are Very Different Things

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Thirty-five: Alive and Okay are Very Different Things


Y/n took Max's hand, and then Mike's hand as she started running. She led them past El for Mike to take her hand and took them to hide behind a counter. She could hear the walkie emitting Dustin's panicked voice, but at one point, it became distorted. Stella assumed that the monster broke it, but she could still hear his voice. "'Griswold Family', this is 'Scoops Troop', Please confirm your safety!"

Y/n could hear the monster getting closer to them as she tried to quiet her nervous panting. Max reached over and clutched Y/n's hand, and the girl squeezed back, trying to bring whatever comfort she could to her girlfriend.

Mike peeked from behind the desk, and then turned to Max and Y/n. "It's turned away, if we go up the stairs now, we can make it."

"What? No way, not with El's leg," Max replied to the boy, who said, "We have to try."

"There's another way..." El added. "To get out. Through the gap," she said, leading them all to follow her gaze to the gap. Mike turned to peer over the desk again before turning back to them. "Okay," he paused for a moment. "Now," he said, and they all followed him, trying to get there quickly but quietly. Y/n couldn't rip her eyes off of the monster. She didn't really get a look at it until now, but it was horrifying.

When they made it into the gap, they headed for the exit, but El bumped into a display counter, and something fell, crashing.

Y/n glanced back to see the creature coming towards them. "Come on," she whispered as she led the to duck behind another counter. They tried their bests to stay as silent as possible, despite their panting. "Oh, shit, that thing is horrifying," Y/n commented, whispering.

No one responded, everyone just silently hoping that the monster wouldn't find them. They all jumped, having to stop their yelps when a mannequin wearing the exact clothes as Eleven came flying, slamming into the wall and landing on the floor right next to them.

They all stared at it, eyes wide and mouth agape. "Oh, shit," Y/n quietly cursed, staring at the mannequin.

Y/n could hear the monster getting closer and closer to them. It was right behind them at this point.

It got closer, and now- based off of what Y/n could hear -it was right next to them.

Then, there was a pop.

It sounded like a balloon, and the monster's attention was bright away from them, and to the direction of the sound.

They took this opportunity, and made a run for it.

The four made it outside, only to find Billy, black veins running all the way up his arms.

"Shit," Max cursed.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Mike rushed, backtracking and running back into the gated area they had just left.

Max ran from the other three to go press the button that would close the gate, before running back to her friends and girlfriend.

They made it into a room with an elevator, and Mike repetitively pushed the elevator button. The four impatiently waited for the elevator, until Max- who had wandered not far from Y/n -spoke up. "Billy."

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now