41: Rick Lipton

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Forty-one: Rick Lipton

"But- that's impossible," Max stated, smiling as if it was silly to be worried, but it was obvious she didn't feel all that comfortable. "Right?" Tears threatened to spill from the redhead's eyes. Dustin seemed more confused than scared, the fear was there, it was just overpowered by the confusion. "I don't know." He paused. "It should be."

"I mean, it's come back before," Y/n pointed out. "Twice," she added.

"There's only one person who knows what actually happened," Dustin said, and Max replied, speaking everyone in the room's thoughts. "Eddie."

"We need to talk to him," Dustin decided, and Y/n wasted no time. "Come on," she spoke, standing up from her spot on the bed and taking her girlfriend's hand as she got up. The girl didn't even pause before walking towards the door.

"Have you talked to anyone else?" Dustin asked as they walked. Max and Y/n both answered a simple "no" simultaneously.

"We couldn't find Lucas," Y/n told the boy, Max adding on. "Or Nancy, and Mike's in-" Dustin cut the redhead off. "California. Shit, shit, shit," he cursed, speeding up to open the door, but Y/n beat him to it, and opened the door for Max while Dustin gave his mom his excuse for leaving.

A bit later, the trio made it to Family Video, Robin and Steve's workplace.

Dustin rushed inside. "Hey, Steve," he said breathlessly. He was out of breath for good reason, the three had just biked as fast as they could for a few miles.

"You guys see this?" Steve asked, pointing to the T.V. screen. Dustin ignored the older boy. "How many phones do you have?" He hurried to ask the two. Steve disregarded the question, assuming the younger teenagers didn't already know about what happened. "Someone was murdered."

"How many phones do you have?" Dustin repeated, his tone more stern this time. Steve answered the question now. "Two. Why?"

"Technically three, if you count Keith's in the back," Robin chimed in. Max looked at Y/n and then Dustin, Y/n speaking first. "I think three works."

Max agreed with the girl. "Yeah, three works."

At that, Dustin suddenly slid his bag across the counter, knocking over different tapes in the process.

"My pile!" Robin panicked.

Dustin followed behind the bag, trying to gracefully hop over the counter, failing and knocking over more tapes as he did.

"No, no, no, no! My tapes!" Steve exclaimed. "Dude!"

Y/n hopped on the counter to a sitting position and swung her legs over before hopping off. Max just went around the counter.

Saying nothing, Dustin sat down in front of a computer and got to work on it right away.

"What are you doing, man!?" Steve asked, annoyed and frustrated about the mess Dustin made. Dustin didn't spare Steve- or anyone for that matter -a glance while he responded. "Setting up base of operations."

"Base of operations?" Robin asked from behind the others as she picked up the things Dustin knocked off of the counter.

"Get off of that," Steve told Dustin, but the boy didn't obey. "No, I need it."

"Need it for what?"

"To look up Eddie's friends' phone numbers," Dustin explained.

"Oh, Eddie? Your new friend who you think is cooler than me 'cause he plays your nerdy game?" Steve asked, obviously jealous.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now