36 1/2: Bonus!

136 7 33

August 5th, 1985

Max and Y/n stood outside of the Sinclair's front door.

Y/n glanced at Max before knocking. After a moment, Erica opened the door.

"Oh, hey, lovebirds," the girl said sassily, cocking a brow as she looked them up and down. "Very funny," Y/n said with an eye roll. "We just wanted to talk to Lucas."

"Are you finally gonna tell him that you two are dating?"

Y/n gave an obviously annoyed nod. "Mhm. Now if we could tell him before we change our minds that'd be awesome."

Erica didn't say anything, she just opened the door more so the two could come in.

Max and Y/n never told Erica that they were dating. Erica kind of just... Knew.


Once Erica led them to where Lucas was, she didn't leave.

"What are you doing?" Y/n asked Erica, who was leaning against the door frame as she sipped from the straw of her juice box. "I'm just observing."

Y/n rolled her eyes before turning back to Lucas. "So, uh..."

Max looked to Y/n. "Uh, we- we thought we should just tell you... That we..." She trailed off. Both girls struggled on how to say it.

We've done this three times in the span of two days. Why is it hard now? Y/n thought, mentally cursing herself for hesitating so much.

"Just spit it out, nerds," Erica pushed. Y/n quickly turned to glare at the girl, Max turning as well. "If you're so eager, why don't you say it!?"

"Alright," Erica shrugged. "Your friends are dating."

The couple quickly turned back to Lucas, hurrying to see his reaction. The boy seemed confused. "But you guys... You're-"

"Seriously?" Max asked rhetorically.

"We like girls, Lucas," Y/n told him. "Thought it'd be kind of obvious after the fact that we're dating."

"Oh," Lucas looked at his sister for a moment. "O- okay. That- that's, uh... That's- that's cool. Uh, as long as you guys are happy."

Y/n let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. "Okay. Okay, good," she nodded. "Good."

"You're not like, mad or anything, right?" Max clarified.

"No. No, I'm not, that's- that's good for you guys."

"Okay, well, uh," Y/n nodded, glancing at her girlfriend. "Okay. Thanks, that's, uh, all we wanted to talk about."


"So we're gonna... Go now," Max told him.

"Yeah. Okay."



As Y/n and Max walked down the steps from Lucas's front door, Y/n sighed. "Okay, now Dustin."

"He should be easy, right?" Max asked her girlfriend, holding onto her arm.

"Oh, yeah. He'll be fine."


"You ready?" Max asked her girlfriend as they stood in front of Dustin's house.

"That was my line," Y/n joked before knocking on Dustin's door. After a few seconds, Claudia- Dustin's mom -opened the door. "Hey, girls! What are you doing here?" She asked, a joyful smile on her face.

"Hi, Mrs. Henderson. We were just wondering if we could talk to Dustin?" Y/n asked her.

"Yes, of course! He's in his room," she told them, opening the door further to allow them in.

The couple entered Dustin's room, and he got worried when he saw the nervous looks on the girls's faces. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, no, nothing's wrong,"
Y/n assured, and Max nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we just wanted to tell you something."

"Yeah. So, there's not really another way of saying it, so here it is: Max and I are dating. Like, girlfriends. Max and I are girlfriends. She's my girlfriend, I'm her girlfriend, we're girlfriends." Y/n said, nodding and using hand gestures to emphasize her point, gesturing to herself and Max.

"Oh. Okay, cool," Dustin nodded as if it was no big deal.

"Uh, okay, you're cool?" Y/n asked.

Dustin scoffed. "Yeah, of course. It was already kind of obvious."

"Obvious?" Max wondered, a confused look on her face.

"I mean, yeah. You're always like, holding hands and stuff. You're not very good at hiding it. We've pretty much known since the elevator."

"What?" Y/n and Max asked in unison.

"The Russian one."

"Who's 'We?'" Y/n asked the boy.

"Uh, Me, Steve, Robin, and Erica," Dustin told them, counting off his fingers as he spoke.

"Wait, since when in the elevator?" Max wondered.

"Since you two snuck away through the hatch to go 'talk'." Dustin said, using his hands to make air quotes around the word "Talk."

"That's like, five minutes before we started dating," Y/n told him, squinting.

"Wait, so were you two like having your first kiss up there or something?" Dustin asked jokingly cocking a brow.

Y/n and Max gave expressions that read "Well..." And Dustin's cocky expression turned into a surprised one.

"Well," Y/n broke the silence. "We just wanted to tell you that, so we'll be on our way now," she said, standing up.

"Okay, well you two have fun."

"Bye!" Y/n said, throwing up a peace sign as she left the room.


okay, one more chapter! season 4 here we come :)

i love y'all panicking about me keeping them together in the comments lol

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