34: It's Not Like We Doubted You

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Thirty-four: It's Not Like We Doubted You


"Okay, I think we should go see what plan the others have made," Y/n told Max, getting off of the table. She reached a hand out for Max, who took it and hopped of the table as well. Without letting go of Max's hand, Y/n walked over to the others.

So, the plan was that Steve would drive Dustin to Cerebro, and that Erica and Robin would come along. When Y/n heard that this group would be called 'Scoops Troop,' she wanted to come along.

But the girl still wanted to be with her girlfriend, and she agreed to stay at the mall as long as she was considered a part of the 'Scoops Troop.'

Dustin would talk to the adults and tell them where to go, and once they were where they needed to be, Hopper and Joyce would blow up the lazer that was keeping the gate open.

The rest of them would go to Murray's house and stay there until it was all over.


The adults and 'Scoops Troop' had left the mall, and everyone left was going out to Nancy's car.

Y/n and Max sat with El in the trunk of the car, Will, Lucas, and Mike went in the backseat, and Jonathan was next to Nancy, who would drive.

Nancy turned the key, but the car didn't start.

After a couple attempts, Lucas spoke up. "Didn't your mom just buy this car?"

"Yes. I'm sure it's fine."

"Did you leave the lights on?"


"Do we have gas?"

"Yes!" Nancy snapped before trying to start the car again. When it didn't start, Jonathan stopped her. "Pop the hood."

A few seconds after Nancy and Jonathan left the car, an engine revving made Y/n jump. She turned around in her seat to see the familiar blue Camaro.


Nancy and Jonathan ushered the younger teenagers out of the car and into the mall, and when they were all back inside, Mike started to radio 'Scoops Troop' while Lucas practiced his aim with his 'Wrist-rocket.'

Max sat across from Y/n at a booth, watching her girlfriend sharpen a knife.

"Are you gonna kill him?" Max asked, talking about Billy.

"No," Y/n told the redhead. "No, this is just a precaution. Plus, we're not only against Billy right now. If he knows we're here, so does The Mind Flayer."

Max nodded.

"Hey, guys!" Mike called out, bringing the girls's attention to him. "We have an idea!"


The kids- with the exception of Will and El -were pushing the car that the superpowered girl flipped over earlier, trying to get it right side up.

The plan was that they would get the ignition cable from the car, and put it in Nancy's car.

Everyone pushing stood on a countertop and struggled for a bit, eventually failing to get the car onto its side. "Oh, fuck," Y/n breathed out, throwing her head back as she panted. Max wasn't going to comment on how she found that attractive.

"Let me try," El spoke up.

"El..." Mike trailed off. The brunette limped forward. "I can do it."

Once they all moved away from the car, they watched as El tried to move the car, her arm reached out. The metal creamed for a bit, but the car didn't move enough to make any difference. El looked at her hand in confusion.


Mike had told them all that using the metal pedestals would work. "It's physics," he told them.

And it did work. They had managed to get the car on its side, now. "Alright, great," Jonathan said. "Alright, now, all the way. Ready?"

Everyone placed bottom part of the pedestal on the car as Jonathan counted down. "Three, two, one... Push!"

They all groaned as they pushed, but eventually succeeded in getting the car right side up.

"Told you," Mike said in between breaths. "Physics."

"It's not like we doubted you, smartass," Y/n said, hopping off the counter before reaching a hand out for Max. The redhead took it, and hopped off of the countertop.

"What's she doing?" Max's voice asked, pulling Y/n and Mike's attention away from Nancy and Jonathan. They turned to see El, digging through a trash can. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head in confusion before shaking her head and turning to her girlfriend with a shrug. "I don't know."

"Come on," Max took Y/n's hand again, having dropped it a few seconds after getting off of the counter. Mike followed the two girls as they made their way to El.

"El," Mike called to the brunette. "Are you okay?" El turned to them, seeming confused and slightly worried. "What happened?" Y/n asked. Before El could answer, the group heard a pounding coming from above. They slowly looked up to see the glass roof of the mall cracking due to a huge, fleshy creature on top of it.

Y/n stared up in terror and confusion, her eyes wide. "What the hell?"

"Nancy!" Mike yelled.


I'm very excited to write season 4 :) just a few more chapters to go!

Hope you enjoyed :) thank you for reading!!!

874 words.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora