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On the weekend I invited Brian over. He brought his Gameboy and let me play it. We are currently sitting on the couch as I fiddle with the different buttons trying to figure out how to play.

"Wait what's that shiny thing there?" I ask, squinting at the screen.

"Go up to it and press the 'A' button." Brian explains. I do just that and I end up getting a pokéball, nice. Brain and I play some more when the phone stars ringing. I sigh.

"I'll get it..." I say, grunting as I get up, Brian watches me from the couch. I walk over and pick up the phone. "Hello?"

I hear Regina on the other end. "Hi, Y/n. Is Cady home?" She asks in a sweet tone; I feel my face. Yep, I'm turning red again.

"Uh, yeah. Let me get her for you." I hold the phone to my chest as I call out. "CAADDDYYY!!!!" I yell. Cady runs downstairs, I hear her trip, but she gets up and rushes to me.

"What? What happened?" She asks, a panicked expression on her face, I hand her the phone.

"It's for you." Cady's face drops and she rolls her eyes, taking the phone.

"You scared the shit out of me... Hello?" She speaks into the phone; I go back to the couch with Brian.

"Who was it?" He asks.

"Regina George, the one and only."

"Huh." He goes back to showing me the game.

After a while Brian left and I decided to see what was up with that phone call. I go up to Cady's room and I knock twice.

"Come in!" She calls from behind the door. I open it and take a step in. "Hey Y/n."

"What did Regina want?" I ask.

"Well, Gretchen told her that I like Aaron Samuels, who happens to be Regina's ex-boyfriend." I nod, taking in the information. " And she was all, like, 'I don't care, do what you want' so I was like okay, thank God. Then she said she was gonna talk to Aaron for me-" I hold my hand up, pausing her and cutting her off.

"Do you really believe that? I mean, this is Regina George." I say, Cady shrugs.

"Anyways. Then she was like, 'aren't you super pissed at Gretchen?' And I was like, yeah, I guess she just likes the attention though. Turns out, Gretchen was on the line and could hear everything." I raise my eyebrows.

"I didn't know you could do that."

"Now you know. You might be next, you never know." She shrugs.

"... I hope not."


The next few weeks have been... fine. Cady seems happier, and I think Regina and I are closer. Right now, I have geography. The only lesson I have with Regina. We're sitting next to each other, and she doesn't seem to be paying attention. Well, neither am I. I'm doodling in my workbook. She reaches over and draws a small smiley face. I glance to her and draw a circle around the smiley face, giving it a head. She giggles and we go back and forth until we've made a strange picture of a smiley man hiding in a grocery store for old men on ice skates from a giant tornado, which also has a smiley face. I laugh at our creation, as we lean against each other, trying not to make too much noise.

That was the best lesson ever. 

"You look way too happy." Cady points at my face, poking my cheek. I push her hand away.

"Don't touch me, and what do you mean too happy? Shouldn't you be glad that your sister is having fun?" I ask, with a mocking grin, she rolls her eyes at me and walks off to her next class. I watch her walk away, shaking my head.

Regina George x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now