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I stare at the message I just sent my dad.

You: I'm staying with Regina tonight

Leaving Cady alone to deal with mum and dad after she's been accused of pushing Regina in front of bus? Yeah. I am doing that. But, like, fuck her.

The only thing I know about whatever I'm about to see, Regina looks a little fucked up, and she's high as shit. So, this'll be fun.

I slowly push open the door to see Mr and Mrs George sitting with her. "Oh, Y/n. Come in. She's been asking for you non-stop it's cray-cray." Mrs George says, standing up and walking over to me.

"I'm gonna go piss." Mr George says getting up and walking out.

"Y/n!? My pookie pie!!" Regina shouts from the hospital bed. I give Mrs George a glance before walking over to her.

"Hey, Regina- oh, okay, we're doing this..." I say, as Regina reaches up and starts smooching my face.

Oh, yeah. I should probably add that Mrs George knows about us. She's super chill. I told her on the ambulance ride here.



"Oh, I had tons of girlfriends back in my day!" Mrs George laughs.



Regina suddenly drops her hands from my face. "Ooohh I see the light."

"Regina, we've been through this, you're not gonna die." I explain... Again.

"I'm going. This is it."


"I've only got, like, five seconds left."

"Regina, the doctors say you'll be fine to leave for Spring Fling."

"No, I'm dying."


"I have one final wish."

I sigh. "Yes, what is it?"

"Take off your shirt."

"Regina, no."


"No, Regina, your mum is in the room.

"I can leave." Mrs George suggests.

"Yes!" Regina says quickly.

"No! No, you don't need to do that Mrs George. I'm not- I'm not gonna take off my shirt." I explain, holding Regina's hands so she'd stop tugging on me.

"I'm upset." Regina says.

"I know, I know." I give her head a little pat.


The next day, I was late to school. I was helping the George family move Regina from the hospital bed to another hospital bed but inside her house. How the fuck can you even be that rich?

When I walked into class, I sat down before Cady could steal my spot. She had to sit behind that one guy that passes gas every five seconds. It was funny.

Damian gave me a nod of acknowledgement.

And then, lunch. I saw that Brian and Karen were sitting together. Gretchen looked pretty left out so I sat down with them.

"Hey guys." I say, sitting down.

"Y/n! What's it like having a sister who attempted murder on your girlfriend?" Brain asks.

Regina George x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now