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It's my birthday!! So, naturally, I invited all my friends.

Regina, obviously.
Brian, my gay dad.
Karen, of course.
Gretchen, because Karen asked me to invite her.
Calliope, that British girl who beat me up.
Damian, my gay husband.
Janis, package deal with Damian.
Kevin G, package deal with Janis.
Cady, my sister.
Aaron Samuels, because Cady begged me for six days straight.
Regina's little sister, because we're going to Regina's house and Regina's parents told her to look after her.

We're doing karaoke which'll be fun, hopefully. Karen messaged be and tole me that she's gonna be doing a duet with Gretchen. She's super excited for it.

I arrive at Regina's house before everyone just to hang out. "Hey birthday girl!" Regina throws her arms up when she answers the door. I give her a big hug as I enter.

"Hi Regina." I say, backing away from her so she can close the door.

Kylie, Regina's sister gets up off of the couch and starts walking towards the stairs. "Hey Kylie!" I call out.

"Yeah!" She replies. She's looking down at her phone as she walks up. Regina puts her hand on my back.

"Don't mind her. She's in a bad mood because her boyfriend broke up with her." She explains.

"Isn't she, like, seven?"

"Mhm!" Oh... Cool... Regina takes my hand and leads me to the couch where she sits down. I stand in front of her, and she holds my hands. "I have a present for you..." She grins.

"Oh, yeah?" She scrunches her face at me and pulls me down, giving me a kiss.

"Yeah..." We're about to kiss again but something's blocking us. I pull away to find she's holding an envelope in her hand.

"Cheeky, I like it." I say, sitting down next to her and taking the envelope.

"Read it out loud." She sounds excited, turning her body to face me.

"Okay, weirdo..." I clear my throat and give Regina a look. She's nervous. "Dear Y/n, happy birthday. When I first saw you, I didn't like you. Aww, great start."

"Keep reading!"

"You made me feel weak. I understand what that feeling meant now. I also thought that the only time I ever felt that was for Shane Oman. I now think that he was sort of a fancy decoration, like a brooch or something." I continue reading, trying not to smile too much but obviously failing. "You will always be more than a little accessory to me. You have changed from a weird girl from Africa to my whole life. I love you, Regina George."

"Oh, my God. Are you crying?"

"Yes!" I wipe the tears that are falling down my cheeks and Regina gives me a hug. "I love you..." I mumble into her shirt.

"I love you too... You're getting my shirt wet-"

"I'm sorryyyy!!"


Eventually, everyone arrives. It's pretty bustling and everyone's talking which is great. I'm currently struggling to get the karaoke machine working when Regina comes strutting out of the kitchen holding drinks. "Who wants to get druuuunnnkk?" Everyone cheers.

Regina hands everyone their drink then walks over to me. "Get on your knees, baby." She grins, putting a hand on my shoulder and pushing me down. Of course I let her. I mean, come on. You expect me not to?

Regina takes my drink and pours it into my mouth for me. A lot of it spills on my shirt and on the floor but hey. I don't really care, and Regina doesn't either. I get back up and wipe my face. "Alright... Let's do some singing!"

Regina George x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now