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Back at school again. I try to avoid all eye contact with Regina in fear of combustion.

I have English with Karen. The only person keeping me somewhat sane. She reminds me that I may not be as smart as Cady, but at least I'm smarter than some people.

After class she stops me. "Y/n! Do not move..." She says, holding her hand out cautiously. 

Obviously, I assume the worse. my head is split open and there are maggots crawling out. "What? What is it?" I ask, panic laced my voice. I swear I can feel them moving around.

"You have to go to this Halloween party." She grins and claps her hands "Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!"

You may be wondering, why not stop her? I don't know, leave me alone.


I agreed. I didn't want to go; parties make me anxious. But also, maybe excited? I don't know.  But whatever it is, I better suck it up because the day that I let Karen down, is the day I die.

After school I take it that Cady got home before me because I hear her and mum laughing in her room.

"What's going on?" I ask dad who's on the couch watching some cooking show.

"Cady's getting ready for a Halloween party tonight. You going too?" He asks, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Yeah... I am."

"Well go up there, see what's up." he suggests. I take it he's not really paying attention. More focused on the cooking show.

I walk up to Cady's room and knock on the open door, leaning on the frame. Cady whips her head around. "Y/n! Aaron invited me to this Halloween party tonight. How do I look?" She asks, twirling around.

"Spooky." I say with a nod. "Karen invited me... Got a spare costume laying around?" I ask. Mum turns to me.

"You've got that old roadkill costume." She suggests.

"Mum, no. I'm not going as roadkill."

"Why not?"

"Because the paint is all gross and it hasn't been washed."

"Well then you'll fit the role perfectly."

I sigh. "Thanks." I say with sarcasm, leaving the room and going to my room to find something that'll make sense for a costume that isn't disgusting and unwashed.

I eventually find a white shirt and some blue jeans. I'm deciding to go as Billy Loomis. I borrowed some of Cady's fake blood to splatter all over me.


I arrived at Karens house. I was going to walk with Cady but right as we left the house, I got a message from Karen begging me to go to her house first. I asked Cady if she wanted to join me, but I guess she wanted more of a grand entrance by herself.

I knock on the door and wait for an answer. I'm about to knock again when Karen opens it, she's dressed as a mouse. I almost knock on her head.

"Oh! What are you?" She asks. I give her a look of disbelief.

"Billy. Billy Loomis."




"Ghost face?"


"What's your favorite scary movie?"

Regina George x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now