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Oh, what's that you wanted second hand embarrassment? You wanted to read this and go 'eeeeekkkk!!'? Well great! You're in luck

Warning: yikes


"It's basically the first day of school! Why do we have to write a two thousand word essay!" I'm currently at Regina's house, laying in her bed and making myself angry by talking about my new English teacher.

While I'm ranting, Regina is ontop of me, straddling my hips and kissing my neck. I don't mind it, but I'd appreciate it if she was listening to me. "Mhm..." Regina hums as if she's paying attention.

"Are you listening to me?" I ask, she guns again. I push her away from me and she sits up.

"Yes, I'm listening." She says that like it's obvious.

"Okay?... What am I talking about then?"

"Your essay." She leans back down and goes back to playing vampire.

"Do you care?" I ask a little quieter as she slowly drags her hands up and down my torso.

"Not at all..." Regina mumbles against my skin.

"Hm... well- what- what's up with this... Kissy touchy stuff?"

"Think of it as a reward for putting up with having to write a two thousand word essay." Regina whispers, and I feel her hand go a little lower than I expected.

"Uh- Regina-"

"Relax." She whispers.

"No-" I push her away from me. "I'm sorry, I just..."

"Oh. Yeah, no, I'm sorry."

"Don't be..."

There is an incredibly awkward silence for a moment before I speak again.

"I should probably go... I need to start that essay..."

"Yeah, uh..." Regina stands up with me as I make my way over to her door. "Text me when you get home?"

"Of course, yeah... Bye Reg." I go to give her a hug while she goes in for a kiss. We stop and awkwardly laugh it off.

We end up hugging but I give her a little kiss on the cheek so she knows I don't hate her.

Why would she hate you? I hear you ask. Well, she's just a bit protective at the moment and thinks that me talking to anyone or looking at anyone means I'm cheating on her. Weird, I know.

Anywho, I eventually make it home and give Regina a little thumbs up emoji, which she doesn't reply to.

That night I spent most of the time I could've spent sleeping with just staring at the ceiling and trying to do an Irish accent. What? Clare has influenced me, and it sounds sick as.



"What were you getting at?" I ask, holding Claire's shirt collar.

I've cornered the bitch in some empty classroom.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Clare shouts. God, her voice makes my ears hurt without her screaming.

"You told me to have sex with her." I shout back, shaking her slightly which I can do now because I'm strong.

"I said no such thing! I think it was you who said, and I quote, 'I have to fuck that girl'."

"Well... I think you should, and I quote, get fucked!"

"That's not how and I quote works-"

I cut her off. "Get fucked!"

Regina George x Female ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora