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"Awww babies second first day of school!" Dad squeals, taking photos of Cady and I from very unflattering angles.

"Now, they have a new bus driver so you should be okay. No more broken girlfriends!" Mum reassures Cady and I.

I shake my head. "Too soon mum."

"Guys, we're gonna be late." Cady warns.

"Yes, yes. One more photo." Dad rambles "smile!"

"Wait, I'm gonna sneeze-" I get cut off by my sneeze and also the flash on Dad's camera. Hoo-boy.

Cady and I turn around and get ready to cross the road.

"Hold on, bus approaching." Cady says, holding her arm in front of me. I push her arm away.

"I can see that, moron."

"I'm just trying to protect you."

"Yeah, I don't need that. The bus is moving at a snails pace anyways." I point out, gesturing to the extremely slow bus. "Let's just cross!"

"No, we can't cross."

"It'll be fucking lunch time by the time that bus passes us!"

"It's polite to wait!"

"I am pretty sure it's not moving..."

"... Yeah I don't- oh, no, it's moving."

"I don't see it-"

"No, see? The wheels are moving."

I roll my eyes and cross over. "Hey! Y/n! That is very not polite of you! God is watching!!"


My first class today is history! And this year I have REGINA!! MY SOON-TO-BE SPOUSE!! Sshhhhh she doesn't know it yet.

I sit down next to her and give her a big smile. I'm about to wrap my arm around her when she stops me. I raise my eyebrow at her.

"I-... I don't want people to get any ideas." She explains.

"... But at the Spring Fling you were-"

"Please?" She tilts her head and gives me those eyes. Dang it Regina...

I nod and she sneaks her hand onto my thigh under the table, giving it a comforting squeeze. If anything it just tickles and makes me do a little wiggle. The thought was nice though.

After a while through the lesson, the door flies open and reveals a... Girl. And she stands there, and she looks very awkward. The teacher stops speaking and turns towards the door.

"Uh... Class, we have a new student with us." She says, rushing back to her desk from the whiteboard and grabbing a note pad. "Uhh... Yes, Claire!" The teacher says, before throwing the note pad back on the desk. "You can sit next to... Y/n. Y/n, raise your hand please."

I raise my hand.

Claire comes over and sits next to me. "Hi, I'm Claire." She says holding out her hand. I take it and give it a good shake to assert dominance.

"Y/n." I say, dipping my head.

"Wow, you're grip is pretty strong."

"It- it is?"

"Yeah, do you work out?"


The teacher interrupts "Hey, Y/n, shut up."

"Yes miss." I pull my hand away from Claire and stare ahead again, although It's hard to concentrate since I can feel Regina melting the side of my head with her glare.

Regina George x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now