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"And then he said something about Paul Rudd." I have no idea what Calliope is talking about but in just pretending to listen. "Anyways. I have a gig this weekend, you should come." Calliope reaches into her pocket and pulls out a flyer.

"Aw sick... You play bass?" I ask, my eyes widening at the photo of her playing a double bass in blue and purple lighting.

"Yeah, I've been playing since I was five."

"Five year olds can't play bass."

"I could."

"Well, that's interesting. I'll definitely go."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you get the vip." She winks before skipping off to class.

"Did she just fucking wink at you?" I jump, turning to Regina who has somehow teleported next to me.

"Jesus Christ... When did you get here?"

"Did she wink at you, I asked." She repeats, stepping in front of me.

"I-... I mean, it's not like she fancies me-"

"Fancies? That's what British people say, Y/n. Do you fancy her? Is that why you're copying her stupid posh language?"

"Regina! What is going on?" I ask, holding her shoulders.

"Nothing! I'm sorry. That was out of pocket."

"It really was. It was very random."


"It's fine... Hey, she's got this thing tonight" I gesture to the flyer in my and and Regina takes it. "Thought we could go together maybe."

"They're playing... Running with scissors, birdland, come fly with me- Y/n, this is jazz."

"It's jazz?"

"It says it in giant letters on the front." She points to it. It's true. The front is a photo of the band with the big letters 'JAZZ' over the top.

"Don't know how I missed that... It could be fun! Maybe it's good jazz."

"There's no such thing as good jazz, Y/n.

"Well, we can't just not show up."

"Sure we can."

"Okay, but we're going. We can say you have a headache and leave early."

"Thank you!" Regina says with a smile, smacking the flyer into my hands and putting her hand on my shoulder as she walks away, letting it slowly fall and run down my arm. That's my girlfriend.


REGINA POV: (Like, 10 seconds before that interaction)

I was trying to find Y/n so I could pass on a message. What was the message? Mind your own fucking business. But, I'll tell you since you look so pathetic and sad.

It wasn't really a message, it was kinda just gonna make out with her in the girls bathrooms but that ain't possible at the moment since she's talking to Calliope.

I start to make my way towards them when I hear this horrible sound. "Regina! Hey!" I never knew the devil was Irish.

I turn around and see Claire bouncing towards me. "Regina, right?"

"Yeah, what do you want?" I cross my arms.

"I just- I heard about your reputation last year." I raise my eyebrow at this. "I mean- I heard you were popular. You must've had the guys all over you." She laughs.

Regina George x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now