Present Day, Forks, 5 years later

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Present Day, Forks, 5 years later


"Sam, I have to leave, people are starting to get suspicious"

"Be careful Claire, you know how I feel about the Cullens, and remember you will always have a home here on the rez, come back anytime."

"Sam...." I started to get a little teary-eyed, the five years I had spent with the pack and the rest of the tribe were perfect. I had grown to become so close with some of them, especially Leah my best friend, who was also Sam's girlfriend. But nothing good ever lasts, there was an accident where I had accidentally revealed my ability to teleport. Although Sam had done his best to come up with any logical explanation, some superstitious elders of the Rez still wanted me gone. Sam never told me why.

The two were helping me get my luggage onto the faded red Chevy parked outside. The truck had big rounded fenders and a bulbous cab. It was hideous in my eyes. But it was a courtesy from Billy Black, who lent it to me for my drive up to Forks.

"So leave the truck outside Cullens and I will pick it up... sometime." Said Leah, she was half side-eying Sam as she mentioned the Cullens. It was Leah's idea to pick up the truck herself since she knew the Cullens would smell Sam coming from a mile away, and it would also have violated the treaty.

"Thanks, Leah, you are the best, god I'm going to miss you all so much! Say bye to everyone for me, and I mean everyone."

"Will do" said Sam, and at last with the shut of the cheap, metal door. I drove down the neverending highway that led me directly into the lion's den.

end flashback

"Wake up! Time for school!"

Emmett jumped onto my bed. The most annoying thing about vampires is the fact that they never sleep, and being the only living thing in the house that slept, you can imagine the ruthless pranks they pulled on you when you slept.

"Emmett remember the day we met?" I asked, half awake but still conscious enough to make jokes.

"Yeah, You tried to kill me"

"how about we recreate that scene," I said, smirking.

"Alright that's enough, Claire, come down we have breakfast ready for you." Carlisle appeared out of nowhere and leaned against the frame of my bedroom door, they always do that, catching me off guard.

I got up and magically got ready for the day. Seriously. In seconds, my hair was done, my outfit was changed, and I wore smoky eye makeup that made me blend in with the Cullens ethereal beauty a bit more. Although I already had porcelain skin that was unbelievably pale for a human being, I still lacked that vampire charisma that they all had, and used to their advantage to dazzle anyone they could. Then with a swift movement of my hand, my bed was made, and Emmett's eyes gazed up at me in awe.

Carlisle is the most caring father figure I could ever ask for, every morning without fail he and Esme would whip me up something for breakfast, even though vampires don't eat or drink, they still went out of their way to stock the house up with food just for me. Today I had pancakes with blueberries and maple syrup. My mouth watered just by the sight of it. But Edward had other plans. The sound of the horn of Edward's silver Volvo echoed throughout the house, he was always the fastest and most impatient one. Esme shot me a look and I signed, it was time to go to school.

Forks High School is the saddest high school I have ever seen. Although it was almost double the size of the school back on the rez, it lacked the energy and liveliness. Rather than looking like an official high school, it was more like a collection of matching houses, built with maroon-colored bricks. The school was hidden behind a labyrinth of trees and shrubs and it was practically a maze. Each subject had its own allocated building that was clear enough to find, and most of the students were nice enough to keep out of my way, or maybe it was the Cullen's way.

I was lucky enough to have most of my classes with Edward, who also shares my ability of telepathy but is only limited to reading the minds of others. In classes, me and Edward would often sit in the back and communicate via telepathy, normally prying on others' thoughts and judging them, although we recognize it's wrong, we can't bring it upon ourselves to stop. For example, this kid in our English class, Eric Newton likes to fantasize about threesomes with Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie. The girls in our grade normally just thought about town gossip, or how majestic the Cullen Boys looked. Some girls prefer Emmett's body-builder look, others Jasper's suave, gentlemen appearance, but most focused on Edward being the reincarnation of a Greek god, which I find hilarious.

Today was normal, like all mundane days in Forks that all seemingly blended into one green mush after a while. I had Trig and English with Edward in the morning, and rather than paying attention, we giggled together all class about how this Eric kid's mom had caught him masturbating just the day before. Pretty soon it was lunchtime, I followed Edward into the already crowded cafeteria and saw the others already sitting down, with their plate of food they were going to waste once again. Sometimes I wonder if the Cullens had any concern for wasting food and how millions are starving all around the world. Since they claim to care so much about human lives and being 'vegetarians' for that matter.

I quickly gathered my lunch, a collection of fruit, a slice of pizza, and some crackers, and sat down, I was the only one that ever ate at our table, sometimes it was weird but usually, when we get a good conversation going, no one seems to notice anything. But today, no one was talking. Everyone had their eyes fixed on a particular table, this annoying girl named Jessica's group sat there. Just as I was going to ask what was going on, I saw her.

She's new, was the first thing I thought. Then I heard her conversation with Jessica.

"Who are they?"

Wow, she's taking an interest in us, already. Although I don't blame her, we are pretty outstanding, but most kids register us as the weirdos and not ones that you would want to be friends with on the first day. Unfortunately, I did not possess super hearing like the rest of my peers did, so I only managed to pick up a part of their conversation.

"They're the Cullens..... They are all together tho... and they live together.... They just moved down two years ago from somewhere in Alaska..... That's Edward. He doesn't date... That one is Claire, shes like the only normal one, she eats and talks to us sometimes."

That was all I managed to hear, but I could tell my fellow 'adopted siblings' heard a lot more than me, based on their ominous expressions.

"So new kid huh" I said, lightly, trying to start some sort of conversation. But Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and Alice all rose in unison and walked out, leaving me with Edward. What the hell, I thought, there was something I wasn't picking up, maybe some special vampire trait. I decided to try Edward telepathically.

What's up, you look disconcerted.

I don't want to talk about it right now

And with that, he swiftly arose, dumped his lunch, and left the table. Thankfully the bell rang, signaling lunch was over and then I remembered I had biology next, with Edward, so I was going to be able to grill him a bit more about this situation.

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