Phoenix Airport, AZ, One day later

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Phoenix Airport, AZ, One day later

Bella Swan paced anxiously back and forth in the congested terminal four of the already heated Phoenix airport. I wasn't sure what she was so worried about, other than Alice's perplexing visions about Bella's old dance studio, which in my opinion was ridiculous, there was no way we would ever end up there, Bella was about to see Edward. Edward's plane was landing in this vast airport's biggest, most confusing terminal, so everything was bigger in the Midwest.

Bella's toe was tapping rhythmically now as we sat in the long rows of chairs by the metal detectors, Jasper and Alice sat ever still and pretended to people-watch, but they were really keeping an eye on Bella. The minutes passed as I stared at the arrival board, the electric clock ticking as the flight from Seattle crept closer to the top of the board.

"I want to eat breakfast now," Bella said quickly

"Same, I'll come with you." I stood up as well, this wasn't out of courtesy, I really was hungry. I could feel my stomach aching since I hadn't eaten anything since Bella and I's more or less awkward encounter about a day ago. Bella seemed totally distraught after her phone call with her mother, even after me and Alice's extensive questioning, she said nothing. All she did was lock herself in the bedroom and sleep, occasionally staring at the blank wall.

Bella had a cautioned reaction to my response. She wasn't expecting my companionship this morning, there was a cloudy look in her eyes, as if she had an agenda of her own. She couldn't oppose me, so we walked silently side by side towards the food court. The airport had an assortment of cafes and restaurants which all looked very appealing to me, but Bella had other plans. She was uninterested in all my restaurant suggestions and looked more apprehensive than ever, she took larger strides and walked quickly, with more intent. Finally, as we passed the level three lady's room, she stopped.

"Do you mind? I'll just be a second" She asked

"Not at all"

As Bella walked inside the restroom and I could no longer see her, I started to wonder how strange her demeanour was. I looked around my surroundings to see if anything was odd, to my surprise, I saw an irritated brunette sprinting from what must be a second exit of the bathroom. Bella was making a run for the elevator. As soon as I laid eyes on her, I raced towards her. I practically tackled her halfway to the ground to stop her course. She let out a big grunt and rubbed her forehead where it made contact with the floor.

"What do you think you're doing!" I urged, trying to keep my voice down.

"Please, you have to let me go!" Bella frantically replied, her hand combing through the locks of her hair as she tried to become decent again after my ferocious attack.

"I can't do that, are you crazy?" I rebutted, my eyes now glaring so huge that it took up half of my face.

"James has my mother! He'll kill her if I don't do what he tells me to do."

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