Cullen's Mansion, One week later

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Cullen's Mansion, One week later

Things have... progressed, to say the least in the past week—things none of us were prepared for. One second Edward was eagerly trying not to kill Bella and keeping his distance, and the next thing we know he's bringing her home. This surprised us, Edward was not considered the weakest link out of the vampires, we would be prepared if someone like Jasper couldn't keep his distance from a human, but Edward? To quote Carlisle; kids sure move fast these days.

This was the first time I had seen so many people inside the Cullen's kitchen. Carlisle, Emmett, Rosalie, and Esme are all squished up inside the overly modern, but richly stocked kitchen. Carlisle was bent over the black granite counter slicing up some pancetta, using his surgical skills to slice every slice as thinly as paper. Emmett was greasing the pan with some butter, the sound of oil crackling inside the pan was like heaven to my ears, but a cacophony to the vampires' overly sensitive ears. Esme and Rosalie were at the salad station, chopping up some collard greens and cherry tomatoes for decoration, and I, being the only person who could taste all of this, was taste testing.

"Claire, how long does it take for the pasta to cook?" Asked Emmett, he was getting very impatient as he stared, not blinking at the motionless water.

"I'm afraid you didn't turn the stove on macho man," I said as I lit the stove with a wave of my hand. I then proceeded to concentrate harder on the stainless steel pot on top of the old-fashioned gas stove, the water immediately began bubbling viciously. Sending Emmett into a state of confusion.

"And that is how you boil water," I said smirking at Emmett.

"Showoff" Emmett mumbled, But I could hear him loud and clear.

"What's the point of all this, is she even Italian?" Rosalie protested, as she angrily began mixing the collard greens with some olive oil and some croutons. Rosalie had not been the most understanding in these past weeks, me and Edward have both made it a habit to block out her malevolent inner monologue from our minds. Still, you can't really mute somebody in real life.

"Sure she is, her name is Bella." Emmett rebuked, matter-of-factly. Emmett was the only one who could talk back to Rosalie nowadays. If I had done that I'm sure Rosalie would explode like a canon of confetti.

"I'm sure she'll love it no matter what," Carlisle said

"Oof, get a whiff of that, here comes the human~," Rosalie said, her voice almost singing at the end as the vampires became hyper-alert of delicious blood smell I could not relate to. Esme became visibly excited as she shrugged her shoulders up and down as well as wearing a large grin on her face. Esme was the most thrilled to meet Bella, she didn't care that Bella was human, matter of fact she wouldn't care if Bella was a werewolf, a witch, or an alien. She was just happy that Edward was happy.

Just then, Edward led a wonderstruck Bella into the hallway and stretched through the open kitchen. It didn't require mind reading to tell that Bella was stunned by the utter contemporary setting of the Cullen's mansion. Contrary to popular belief, the vampires of Forks didn't live inside some dungeon with coffins and moats. The Cullen's place was rather bright and open. Esme had designed it so that the south-facing walls had been entirely replaced with glass, and beyond the shade of cedars, the lawn stretched bare of the wide river. A massive curving staircase dominated the west side of the room. The walls, high-beamed ceiling, wooden floors, and thick carpets were all just a reminder that this was the one place the Cullens didn't have to hide.

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