chapter 11

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Cousin (Part 11)
Jk woke up feeling a hand inside his hair caressing it,,he abruptly opened his eyes hoping that it's Tae's hand,,he lifted his head and saw it was Yeonjun who was caressing his hair...he looked down and found Tae sleeping... That means Tae still didn't wake up...and he was sleeping resting his head on Tae's chest,, how long he slept? He rested his head on Tae's chest all this long? Jk nervously looked at Yeonjun and asked...

Jk: Eomma.. Tae,,---

Yj: he will take time to wake up.. doctor gave him sleeping injection,,

Jk: when----

Jin:(out of nowhere) you were sleeping bunny,, so you didn't see...

Jk: (scratched his neck) did I troubled?

Jin: no no,,,you just didn't let anyone take Tae away from your hold in your sleep too and nobody could make you separate from were holding him like your life depends on it and we had to take care of him like this only even the doctors also had to examine him in this position only...nOthing else

Jk:o..oh         (JK was speechless)

Yj: hyung don't scold him,,he was worried...

Jin: yes,,and I've something to talk about..

Jk: w..with me?

Jin: yes,, about Tae...( Jk became nervous)

Jin: do you know why Tae took this decision?


Jin: JK,,, you're the only one who saw him first and you were in his room too,,I saw you going there,,tell me the truth...

Yj: hyung... isn't it because of the marriage thing? Why are you saying this all to JK?

Jin: Yj... we'll talk later,,,(JK became confused,, marriage? Whose? With whom?)

Jk: Mom,,whose marriage Eomma talking about?

Jin: Tae's.....(that's it,,, JK's world stopped there,, now he understood why Tae suddenly bursted out,,but why it's paining his heart )

Jk: Tae what? How can you guys marry him off like this? He is still a the hell yo----

Jin: JK,,,calm your ass down it's a hospital,, don't you tell me what's wrong with you two..I know something is off between you two..

Jk:........(he looked down in guilt)

Yj: leave hyung,,we all know it's all because of Soobin... because of him my baby is in this condition...I won't forgive him hyung,,never (Yj bursted into tears)

Jin: don't cry,, everything is ok now,,Tae is fine.. and you,,(pointing at JK) tell me the truth now or I won't allow you to see Tae-------

Jk: NO.....(shouted loudly) no no no,,mom don't do that,,(panicked) I'll...I'll tell you,, actually I also don't understand why and how this happened mom...give me time I'm telling don't keep me away from Tae please...

Jin: relax,,,,I'm not doing anything you just say

Jk:(nodded nervously) a.. actually Mom,,I don't know what was happening,,in University,,me and my friends gave each other dare to complete and mine task was proposing a girl who is a bitch and behind me for money,,a..and Tae came to see J-hope's text regarding this matter but misunderstood it,,he even created a scene in front of everyone in I..I was angry,,and took it out on h.. him,,(voice trembling)b..but trust me Mom,,I didn't knew Tae was disturbed already..I'm sorry please ( he was crying by now,,he kept Tae's outburst secret not to give them more tension)

Jin was silent awfully and Yeonjun was processing everything,,

Yj: but why Tae would do something like that...

YG:(coming inside room) because he loves JK

YG said coming inside and behind him there was Jimin who was crying non stop...he went inside and sat at the bed near Tae's legs.. everyone's eyes went wide hearing YG who just casually went behind Jimin caressing Tae's hairs softly,,where JK just stood there silent can Yoongi know...Jin and Yeonjun looked at YG then JK,,

Jin: I knew it,,I already suspected this,,now you tell me did Tae told you about this?
Jk hung his head low,,the scene of Tae's every action of last night came in front of his eyes which troubled him too much,,he was guilty for don't know what,,for taking out anger on Tae? Or for not realizing Tae's feelings for him?

Jin: (shaking JK) answer me damn it...

Jk: (sobbing) nodded.....

Jin: and you didn't realize this right? This is what you gonna say right?


Jin: ok,,,just tell me do you feel the same for him?

Jk looked at Tae's face,,angel face,, HIS angel

Jk: I..I don't know Mom,,

Jin: the hell that's why Tae took this decision my God....he was already disturbed and somebody made it worse...

Yj who was standing there till now silently suddenly walked towards JK and said...

Yj: I trust you,,you know that right..?

Jk: (he was confused why Yj said that but still nodded hesitantly)

Yj: now go fresh up...take a bath and eat need sleep..

Jk: but Eomma... Tae,,

YG: don't worry bro... we're here,,go and take rest..

Jk: I'm not leaving and its FINAL...

Everyone stayed silent cz they knew it already so YG had already taken JK's necessary belongings to hospital... JK took bath inside Tae's room's washroom... Yeonjun made him eat something and Jin gave him a pillow and made some space beside Tae so he can sleep there,,,one thing JK knew that everyone was hiding something from him...but right now he just cared about Tae,,only Tae,,he was finding the real reason why his heart hurts when he thinks Tae will leave him... Jk laid down beside Tae and hugged close to his heart like he wants his heart to know that Tae was not far..he stared at Tae's sleeping face... usually he would found it too cute and innocent,,too much adorable to handle but right now he was looking like a sleeping beauty...too beautiful to handle,,God really took time to create this masterpiece...for JK...wait what? Jk was shocked by his own thoughts...he again looked at Tae's face and thought... So this is how it feels when they fall in love? Jk smiled and slept beside Tae kissing his cheeks holding him real close...he was ready to take whatever it gives him...if this "love" can bound Tae to him forever then he is ready to love Tae...hell!! He's already in love with Tae,,his bun..his baby...
              His future WiFey........

Finally back😉

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