chapter 15

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Cousin (Part 15)
Jk kissed Tae in front of everyone....
Everyone widened their eyes at that while Soobin chocked on his food,, RM broke the water glass by making it fall on the ground.. Yeonjun and Jin looking at them with big big eyes and our yoonmin....let's say they're the only ones who were enjoying the scene... Jk started to suck on Tae's lips and that's it.. everyone left the place... Jin and Yeonjun went inside kitchen while RM and Soobin left for office hurriedly.. YG took JM with him,,,the maids also left to garden...
Jk was sucking Tae's tongue... the spice was gone long age but our bunny wasn't ready to leave his bear... Tae was becoming breathless so he signalled JK who broke the kiss..their saliva was connected... JK whipped Tae's lips by his finger....

Jk: why huh...why so naughty all the time?

Tae: h..hyungie(breathing heavily)

Jk: why can't you stay still for some moment (Tae pouted)

Tae: l..---

Jk: shut little thing,,you know you can't eat spicy food and my foods are made specially knew it didn't you??

Tae:.........(nodded pouting cutely)

Jk: then why you ate that? What if something happen---

Tae kissed JK on the lips before JK could say further... JK sat there still.. processing the situation.. Tae just kissed him to stop him from talking? He chuckled in his mind..why his baby WiFey is sooo cute..he held Tae from waist to keep him in place and started to move his lips against Tae's...after 3 minutes of kissing each other JK broke the kiss...he kissed Tae's forhead lovingly....

Jk: you already know how to calm me down, don't you?

Tae hide his face shyly.... JK chuckled softly,,he got up while Tae in his one can annoy JK but Tae one dares to irritate JK but Tae the same way no one can calm JK down but Tae can....
They are destined to be together...if one is fire then another one is water....if JK is the fire then Tae is his water....they are meant to be together

Days were passing...Tae's wound was healed totally... JK didn't left him for once,,he was too clingy nowadays... everyone had to separate JK to talk to Tae,,he didn't allow anyone to get close with his little cute WiFey...he was becoming too much possessive day by day and because of his all this behavior a relationship of enemy build up between JK and Soobin:)....they doesn't argue with words but they sure does with looks...and actions...

Taekook's wedding plan was discussed after Tae's recovery... everyone agreed that the wedding will be held after 1 week cz they're tired of the shameless bunny...they just wants to get them married and send them far away for honeymoon,,they are exhausted by JK's shamelessness..he just kiss Tae every single time and clings to him front of everyone,,they were done with him...he didn't even let Tae go to his room,, Tae sleeps with JK in night in JK's room...they were already sharing the room like a married couple...

So right now everyone was discussing about wedding stuff and shopping... JM and Tae was sitting together while JK was sulking cz he didn't got to sit with his WiFey...the worse part is Soobin was sitting next to him eyeing him time to time...he looked at his father in law boringly and sighed...his baby WiFey looked so happy while smiling and giggling with JM... He also smiled looking at Tae.. suddenly Tae looked at JK and frowned..he lifted his eyebrows asking JK "what" .... JK chuckled under his breath before shaking his head like "nothing".... Tae winked at JK before joining JM again.. while JK got mini heart attack...his baby is getting bold and bold...he placed his hand on his chest before falling backwards...he was smiling like idiot but his face became black when he looked next to him... Soobin looking at him with questionable eyes...he narrowed his eyes copying Soobin...they both were having a staring competition when RM said .....

RM: so..its final,,,the wedding is in Thursday so we don't have much time...the preparation starts from today itself...

YG: Dad,,I'll handle the decorating stuffs and all..I know some best event management company...

RM: great,,then you handle this and me and Soobin will handle the guest list and invitation things...we will order the best and most expensive invitation card for our baby.. right Sb?

Sb: yeah...after all Tae is my only baby...and the kitchen stuffs like food list and drinks will be handled by Yj and Jin hyung...

Jin: don't worry we will handle that but the most important thing is wedding suit and all..

Yj: hyung...don't worry,,our mochi and bear are you think they will let us choose their outfits?

Tae: momma... you're so mean..whe---

JM: shut up Tae,,uncle...I'll handle don't guys just do your works I'll be with bride and groom for their outfits...

RM: okay then it's solved... BTW JK,,give me list of your friends to me whom you wanna invite yeah?

Jk: okay I'll Dad,,but can I ask you guys something?

RM: go ahead...

Jk: umm...where are we going for honeymoon..

That's it,,, everyone became silent.. Tae looked down being whole tomato..a flying slipper kissed JK's cheeks which was thrown by Jin..

Jin: you shameless bunny,,we were discussing something important here...

Jk: but this is important too----( Jin started to chase JK who widened his eyes before running for his life)

Tae was sitting there then suddenly ran to his (their) room..he was too shy to face them now...

So it was noon and they were having lunch together,,this time JK didn't loose the chance.. he was sitting with Tae this time,,even though Tae was sitting in chair today but every time he sits on JK's lap only... everyone took leave from office, university and college for the wedding..
And today after lunch everyone is going for shopping.....

Everyone had lunch and went for shopping while the young generation in one car and old generation in another car...

Sarange 💜

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