Chapter 38- Old friends?

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Welcome to the next part, no long story, DIVE INNNN



  (Adetoke Karen McAnthony)

I take my travelling clothes off, hanging each one on the steel hangers that were provided in the wardrobes. I carefully take off the maroon claw clip that held my hair in place all day, immediately feeling lighter as I rake my hand through the ginger curls. I decided to tint my natural hair as a little change to the usual black I carry all the time since I didn't bother to braid it. My hair falls to my shoulders, quite long for African hair, a gift I got from my father's side of the family- one Khloe didn't snatch. As I strip down to my underwear, I put my huge black robe on, preparing for my skincare routine

Time has passed so slowly since this afternoon where I let my weak side show. I expected to feel regret and maybe some shame from pouring my thoughts out in the worst way but instead I feel some kind of relief that I finally got it off my chest. I didn't want to have to tell her what was wrong, I expected it to go away slowly, both of us forgetting that we once used to talk to each other. It happened before, it should have happened again

A dark-skinned average height girl saunters into the room, ears plugged in, she doesn't bother to give any attention to her surroundings, instead she lazily dumps on a black bean bag at the right corner of the room, still typing furiously on her keypad. I recognize her as the one Trip referred to as 'Muna' when she came in earlier to drop some toiletries for herself. I would have expected warm reception from the ones she described as her friends at least but even her supposed gymnast 'ex bestie' didn't seem a bit what she described back home

"Aren't you going for the dinner?" at first it doesn't occur to me that the voice came from the petite Fulani girl sitting across the room with her eye glued to her phone screen

"There's a dinner?" I ask, sounding the least bit interested

"Yep, at the cafeteria right now" she springs up to her feet "it's kinda a valentines/welcome party for you guys"

"oh I didn't know-

"you should come, don't get cooked up in this room all by yourself" she says casually, adjusting her face hat as she walks out of the room

I get a full view of her outfit as she pulls the door shut, flashing a small smile towards me showing of her one-sided cheek dimple. She has a black body suit on, army green combat pants, a white crocheted top and a green face cap to match. This tomboyish baddie style giving pinterest mood board inspo

I already discarded the idea of going for any gathering this evening but then; maybe it wouldn't be that hard. A party wouldn't hurt


After minutes and long moments of deciding what to wear, I settle with a black strapped top and a pair of washed ripped jeans. My back is completely bare apart from the strings holding the top together at the back, perfect for the weather, but I don't forget to grab my denim jacket; just in case the AC blows a little too much. I match it with a pair of white snickers, a silver watch and a pair of diamond earrings. In life, even if I lose every battle, I will never lose in the game of fashion

I push the double doors open with my head held high as usual, for moment it feels like the music was paused as heads turn in my direction, people pause their chewing, walking, talking as I stroll in through the glass doors. Nothing like the runway but I'll manage

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