Chapter 258

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"Everyone! Are you having a warm end of the year?"

"The musicians who heated up your hearts throughout this year are preparing yet another spectacular stage for you."

The two idols next to me were doing quite well hosting.

'I guess they haven't built up their years in this industry for nothing.'

I then also took the microphone.

"Shall we begin with the first stage of Gayo Daejeon, introducing the artists who have delighted us with the most shining activities this year?"

My sentence seemed unusually long. I wondered if it was just my imagination. Surely, they weren't allocating the script based on seniority?

'And who the hell is the guy who made me poke my cheek?'

Being in this position, some things were inevitable, but to actually detail such actions in the script? I will not overlook this deliberate action.

"SBC Gayo Daejeon, starts now!"

Regardless, the cameras were rolling, and the three MCs flashed capitalist smiles towards the camera.

And the moment the lights went out, we took a moment to breathe and adjust our expressions.



The guy from VTIC on the other side of me stretched his hand to pat my back. Such unnecessary senior behaviour.

"Moondae-ssi, you did a great job!"

"Thank you."

Youngrin, who was checking the script again, smiled slightly and added another word.

"You're as hard-working as ever."

"Thank you."

I bowed my head repeatedly. With such a difference in seniority, I might as well just be a thank-you bot for the entire shoot.

Right below the stage where we were, fans with lightsticks were present.

And of course, a few camera lenses were visible.

'They're hiding well.'

I glanced with a slight smile at the cameras held by a few familiar faces and then looked away. Considering it was a live broadcast, calling such things 'leaks' would be almost embarrassing.

'After this stage, we'll announce the theme of the broadcast...'

I familiarised myself with the filthy long script one more time, starting with 'The hearts of all who enjoy the festival'. It would appear on the teleprompter, but I didn't want to stutter.

'But... isn't three idols a bit much?'

In fact, this lineup was sure to create buzz, but considering the need for steady hosting, having an announcer to help keep things balanced would be ideal.

I understood that since this was not an acting or entertainment award, everyone was likely thinking we would manage somehow. Still, I didn't want to leave any room for fault-finding.

And it seems that we all had similar thoughts.

"Wow, this is nerve-wracking! We've only ever done this with our own content, so I never thought I'd suddenly be doing this for a year-end show! I'll do my best, everyone."

The most experienced guy among us was boasting rookie-like ambitions.

"Since you're still a rookie, Moondae-ssi, don't be too nervous. If you get tangled in your words, just finish the sentence. I'll take over from there."

Become an Idol or Become Deceased! [fan translation] P.2Where stories live. Discover now