Chapter 262

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//TN: A fanmade version of TeSTAR's Drill (밤)

When TeStar's new music video was first released, people expected the stage style to be like this:

- Maybe like a ticklish dance style?

- Refreshing and sweet, maybe they'll have jeans and white T-shirts or school uniforms. ㅠㅠ

- I think it'll be a fresh and smooth feeling, like 'Picnic'

And now, the stage unfolding was exactly... the opposite.

On the black stage, black outfits sparkled under fluorescent LED lights and white spotlights.

At the intro, each member entering the center harshly threw off the mascot head they were wearing, revealing their handsome faces.


The gloss on the eyeballs of the mascot heads twinkled in the moving spotlights.

[Good luck! Come on in,

Step on today to go faster,

Run, hurry up,

A giant ablaze,

A night undying]

The seven people, clad in tight-fitting rider jackets and leather pants, glided across the dark stage and put together a thrilling choreography.

Every time the neon paint from the LED background disperses between movements and collisions, the dominating worker boots rhythmically broke the beat.

One member even kicked off a removed mascot head with their worker boots as part of the choreography. This was Lee Sejin's part.

The forcefulness and nonchalance exuded a nefarious vibe.

Not only the first up, Park Moondae, but every time members removed their masks, vibrant colors burst forth. These were intense hues contrasting with their black outfits.

[Bursting forth impulsively,

Every part of the piston,

Exploding, heating the engine]

The song consisted solely of extreme elements like deep bass or soaring melodies and rap, but its catchy hooks and structure made it appealing from the first listen.

[Run faster,

Split the sky,

This is a stunt that transcends the night]

As the intensifying momentum surges to just before the pre-chorus drop, it morphs with drawn-out exclaims, altering the face of the song.


Following the fading instrumental and voices, what breaks the brief silence... is a whistle.


Then the iconic choreography of the chorus, with everyone moving as one.

Become an Idol or Become Deceased! [fan translation] P.2Where stories live. Discover now