Chapter 271

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TL by Miru

Making their own documentary?


Having been so fed up with the drama that even the mere mention of the word 'documentary' seemed to twist her insides, Kim Raebin's fan momentarily felt a chill.

'Hey, isn't this a bit...'

Wasn't this just stirring up trouble for no reason?

But this thought didn't last long before disappearing beneath the surface.

The TeSTAR members appearing again on the screen looked so close to each other that it quickly dispelled her initial discomfort.

Perhaps it was morning, as the cameraperson shakily filming the members who were sprawled on the floor, nudged them awake.

[Let's eat.]

[Wah... I'm sleepy.]

[I want to eat meat.]


More than just appearing intimate with each other... their actions felt simple and genuine, unembellished by any specific purpose or exaggeration.

There had been many well-produced videos of TeSTAR, edited and planned by the producers. Even in those, TeSTAR members showed their unique personalities, but openly confronting their unguarded appearances, unaware of the public gaze, was a first.


Playing slowly in the background was... the acoustic guitar of 'The Magic is You' by Kim Raebin from earlier.

The raw, almost unedited live sound filled the venue.


[You're not sure, right?]

[Yeah, a bit.]

Between the cuts of practicing the concert choreography, they were huddled together for monitoring.

There were scenes of them eating ice cream in a hotel room, blankly watching foreign TV.

In another country's hotel, they were playing board games and throwing cards at each other.


The laughter of the person filming resonates over the guitar. The screen shakes.

And so, the short videos continued.

Kim Raebin's fan found herself absorbed in the video without any other thoughts.

And she didn't even realize she had been drawn in.

Dancing, catching and throwing objects, checking hair dye, and following the members laughing and running off the stage, the camera bounced along with them.

And as the accompaniment transitioned into the climax.


Photos and videos of concert preparations and after-parties taken by the members themselves scrolled through the screen like a panorama:

A photo with everyone holding firecrackers by the sea, Park Moondae grilling meat during an after-party, and Lee Sejin shaking drinks.

Cha Eugene laughing as he climbed on the rehearsal stage equipment...

Become an Idol or Become Deceased! [fan translation] P.2Where stories live. Discover now