Chapter 261

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As soon as the live broadcast ended, I called the company and talked with the duty staff in the management office.

It looked like we were going to release simultaneously with Youngrin.

And I heard the company was turned upside down. It made sense. If you summarize Youngrin's recent performance, it goes like this.

'3rd place annually on the largest domestic music site.'

To provide some comparative data, TeStar's latest song 'Nightmare' ranked 37th in the annual music chart.

Moreover, in this annual chart, four of Youngrin's songs were in the TOP 50. Two title tracks, one original soundtrack, and one variety show collaboration song.

It was an astonishing figure.

'We'll never be able to win.'

Not only was she popular among the general public, but she also has a fairly solid fandom, so there was no room to compete.

In short, releasing music at the same time as her was... virtually an honourable death.

Of course, the company wasn't the only one turned upside down.

"With Youngrin sunbae-nim?"



A meeting was convened within the group for the New Year.

We were starting the New Year buried in work, but that wasn't even the main issue compared to this situation.

I made a very calm decision.

'He deliberately told me now.'

With four days to go until the comeback, it was impossible to move the date.

Chungryeo was telling us to at least prepare ourselves mentally in a situation where no major response was possible anyway.

One could interpret it as a favor, so there was no need to waste my emotions. From a competitive standpoint, it was annoying, but it was still beneficial.

...Yeah, it's okay to be annoyed.



"Are you sure about that info? Where did you hear it?"

"From someone from VTIC."

Keun Sejin stared at me with a complex expression. Roughly translated, it meant, 'Isn't that just so he could screw with you?'

Right. Just in case, I had checked that too.

I tossed my smartphone in the air and caught it and then continued.

"I wasn't sure, so I asked Youngrin sunbae-nim directly. It's true."


With less than four days left and the comeback dates overlapping, Youngrin had no reason to lie.

But she did wonder why I was asking.

- It hasn't been decided for long, so I'm surprised that Moondae-ssi knows.

I made an excuse that I had heard the staff talking about it and asked just in case.

Our working crew might face some restrictions on speaking out, but compared to our current situation, we don't have the luxury to worry about that.

Become an Idol or Become Deceased! [fan translation] P.2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن