Chapter 263

2.7K 109 73

TL by Miru

The suggestion Cha Eugene presented was not exactly a groundbreaking promotional method.

"Let's create our own challenge!"


"Try to dance challenge!"

In a nutshell, it was 'Shoot a video of dancing along with us.'

It had been a popular short video content trend for a few years. Honestly, I haven't seen a team that hasn't tried this since their recent comeback.

'Gold 1's group also gained quite a bit of fame with this.'

But that was because their company handled it well; most just end up with modest results for their efforts. It wasn't like people danced along because they thought the song and choreography were exceptionally good.

Although I couldn't say so myself, there seemed to be an entertaining aspect to it. However, Cha Eugene was remarkably good at capturing that aspect.

"Like this, we start with a sky filter... and then, suddenly switch to a Halloween filter while changing the song!"


[From the pre-chorus of 'Wheel' to the build-up of the 'dandada' part, ending with...]

Cha Eugene adjusted the music, combining the uplifting and powerful build-up of 'Wheel' with the dark and intense whistle chorus of 'Drill'.

[Whistle! And then dadan! And then comes the drop of 'Drill', and it's over. Good, right?]

'Not bad.'

It was a bit childish, but the atmosphere, song, and choreography all changed with a single whistle, instantly capturing attention.

Even Seon Ahyun, who wasn't particularly interested in such things, nodded in approval.

"I-it's cool...!"

"I know!"

It was solid even at a glance. Even without prior knowledge, it looked like it was in line with current trends.

'This could be quite effective if done well.'

"What does everyone think...?"

I was about to check for a show of hands for and against the idea when I saw a few faces that seemed unsure if they understood the plan.

...Maybe translation is needed first.

"It seems like connecting the two title songs in a dance challenge could showcase the contrasting charm."


And then opinions began to emerge.

Most were in favor.

"Then both songs can benefit from the promotion."

"Our promotions and story are similar, right? The taste of a twist! Wow, Cha Eugene~"


It wasn't a risky gamble but rather a nearly standard method nowadays, so it quickly got approval within the group and the company.

"They said we'll even get an arranged version through a platform partnership."


"Then, we need to shoot a video for each of us to announce the challenge."

Bae Sejin swallowed nervously.



Such videos typically work best with one or two people at most to keep the focus.

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