Chapter 276

894 50 33

TL by Miru

Frankly speaking, in this industry, dating is more of a whisper than a prohibition; those who want to do it, can just do it. However, this case was somewhat different. An audition show contestant who hasn't even debuted yet was trying to collect the numbers of female idols.

'It seems like ranking first place twice really went to his head.'

He appears to be losing his senses to the intoxication of success, but first, let's confirm the precise facts.

"Was he asking for the numbers out of personal interest?"

- Well... our members were giving feedback on the stage and mentioned that if there were any more questions, it was okay to ask.

The voice over the phone sounded hesitant.

- Then he asked if he could get more feedback on song interpretation and requested to follow our InHeart account.

I chuckled. I got the gist.

"But we don't have personal accounts according to company policy."

- Right. Since we don't have personal accounts... it seems the conversation led to exchanging numbers.

It was quite a clever move.

"So, did you exchange numbers?"

- No! I stepped in and gave him our manager unnie's number instead!

There was a hint of pride in Park Minha's voice. I considered offering some praise but decided it might be weird, so I let it go.

- But thinking about it, he probably knew we couldn't create InHeart accounts and deliberately steered the conversation that way.

"Hmm. I see."

That's a sharp judgment.

'So, it felt off, which is why she reported it to me right away.'

It was annoying to be associated with a bastard who was flaunting around when he hasn't even debuted.

But this... from what I gather, it doesn't seem like Chae Seodam was particularly interested in any Miry-Nay member.

'It's not like he had someone specific in mind. It was more like he was fishing for any contact he could get.'

This wasn't really about pursuing romance; it was just to show off.

It was to prove that 'he's reached a level where he can be associated with female idols of this caliber.'

This sentiment weirdly reeks of condescension.

'A lack of genuine interest in the idol profession, perhaps.'

To include such relationship-based showboating as an option. Anyone who has grinded as a trainee for years would dismiss such an idea, even if it crossed their mind. But this guy seemed to think, 'I can get away with this.'

'He's definitely a guy who knows how to make realistic calculations.'

Chae Seodam wiped his social media clean over half a year ago. And considering his actions and how he angles his edits, he was definitely sharp.

Yet, he engages in such acts... it was no different from looking down on both his fans and potential idol competitors.

'As if he believes he can pull this off.'

And it seems this behaviour intensified after the recent incident.

'Thinking everything was in his grasp after ranking 1st, but then Seon Ahyun put him in his place, and then he ranked 1st again...'

Become an Idol or Become Deceased! [fan translation] P.2Where stories live. Discover now