Chapter 279

553 36 5

TL by Miru

Five minutes into what was supposed to be a psychological test, we found ourselves escaping from zombies.

"Watch your head."


We were crawling through the ventilation shafts. Seeing cameras installed at intervals confirmed we were on the right track.

'The routing is pretty good.'

The production team intentionally covered the air vents, making them hard to find, creating the illusion of difficulty. But in fact, seeking the production team out in an unforeseen occurrence felt like a natural part of the narrative, making for good plot connectivity.

'The atmosphere is spot on, too.'

Cliché as it may be, the dim and eerie environment inside the vent helped focus the mind.


Ghrrk! Kreek!

Sounds could be heard from beyond the walls.


"Whoa, the sounds."

"That has to be zombies for sure!"

'No one's immune to getting immersed,' I noted, checking on the other tense guys and nodding to myself as we kept moving.

Then, after a while, as we turned a corner, a fork in the path appeared. Leading the way, Ryu Chungwoo stopped.

"Should we split up...?"


He pressed himself against the corner of one passageway, signalling for the others to follow suit.


His odd gesture had everyone pressing against the wall.

That's when it happened.



Kim Raebin hurriedly covered Keun Sejin's mouth as a zombie clung to another air vent across from us let out a shriek, its suit gruesomely adorned with blood and wounds made from special effects makeup.

'That's some dedicated acting.'

It seems the production team invested quite a bit on hiring actors. It felt rather real... Wait.

A sinister noise caught our attention.



And the air vent fan separating us, to which the zombie was clinging... fell off.

Cling, cling cl-cl-cling...

Before the components even came crashing down...

"To the right! Go right! Go right!"


Cha Eugene darted lightning fast down the pathway in the other direction, grabbing and pushing members with his hands and head.

'Are we sheep being herded?'

But it worked effectively. The members, sprinting on all fours down the adjacent vent, quickly reached the opposite side.

However, at that moment, a loud tremor from behind signaled the zombie breaking through the obstacles to leap forward.

Become an Idol or Become Deceased! [fan translation] P.2Where stories live. Discover now