Chapter 4: the Knife game

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Kokichi pov:

Weeeell! I'm ready to go to class, even tho I really don't want to hear these stupid talks again. But! I can ask Shumai if he want to spend time with me! Hehe..then I'm gonna play the knife game in front of him just to scare him! This is gonna be so much fun! I really want to see his face when I play that game! It will be for sure hilarious!

So. I went to my locker and took out all the books I need for class. Then I tried to find Shumai on the way, so it doesn't look like I really want to find him, but I just couldn't find him. So I just went to class and waited for the bell to ring. Then the others came too. Shumai was with Kaito. Just as I expected. Kaito glared at me and then sat down. I really don't know why he hates me so much. I mean..yes I lie and I totally act like an idiot. I also play really manipulative and secretive. Okay..maybe I do understand it a bit. I looked at Shumai who looked back at me. I smiled, but he just turned around annoyed. Huh? Didn't he sleep well or why is he so annoyed with me, even tho I didn't even talk to him today? I was confused but now I couldn't do anything since Mr. Monokuma is already here in class. This Teacher is the only one who isn't always late. He started with the masked ball and told us some things we need to do for it. Then he teached us about the next schools where we can follow our dreams more. This was actually interesting to listen to, since he talked about every Ultimate in class. I made some notes and then just listened to him. Why can't every lesson be interesting? I sighed...and actually got lost in my thoughts. I didn't notice that I wasn't listening anymore.."I want to go home".Yeah this would maybe be even more interesting..even tho I don't have anything to do there.

Mr.Monokuma: Ehem. Kokichi you can say that after my lesson but please not when I'm near you but if you want to go home, you can Do it  in the Weekend.

Wait. Did I say that out loud? What exactly did I say? I looked at Mr Monokuma and ignored the others.

Kokichi: Oh? Don't worry Mr.Monokuma! I know that already.

I smiled and he just sighed. The others also were annoyed but I really didn't care about that. I mean..what so wrong with saying that? If Kaito would have said that, all would have clearly always. I sighed and just focused on the rest of the class. After it was over, i literally ran to shuichi.

Kokichi: Hi Shumai!~

Shuichi: Huh? Oh hi.

I smiled at him and shuichi was a bit confused.

Kokichi: Soo! Wanna play a game?~ How about we go the Library?

Shuichi:..Oh! Ehm..sure?

Kokichi: Heh~ Great then!

I waited for him to pack all things and then we went to the library. I know that Shumai loves to go to the library so it was actually a perfect place. I already had the knife in my jacket but well. We sat down at a table and Shuichi looked at me curious.

Shuichi:..what game do you..want to play?

I started smirking, since I only waited for this question to come. I pulled out the knife and could already see his shocked expression.

Kokichi: Do you know the knife game Shumai?~

Shuichi: yes I do, but please put it away! Why Do you even want to play that? You're only gonna hurt yourself!

Kokichi: Oh is the detective worried?~

I put my hand on the table and started to play it. His expression was worried and I just smiled at that. He really can't lie, huh?
I just played the game while  Shuichi tried to stop me. I played faster and then accidentally stabbed my finger. I winced a bit from the pain. I could see Shumais face went white for a minute. He then stood up and left me alone for a short time. I really didn't know but I just looked at my finger. Since when am I so bad at this? Was I really so focused on his expressions? He came back with a small first aid kit. Ohh!~

Shuichi: I told you that you will hurt yourself! You need to be more careful kokichi..

I smiled a bit. He took my hand and held it gentle in his own, so that he could treat my wound. He still had that worried expression, but his hand was warm and soft. I felt a weird feeling inside of me. He held my hand so gentle that it made my heart pound a bit faster than it should. I felt how my face went hot. I really tried to hide it the best I can but I knew that I was properly blushing. I looked at his face and as he looked up at me for a moment our eyes met. I looked away still smiling teasingly so he wouldn't notice. After he treated the wound, he let go of my hand. I had a small bandage around my finger.
I laughed a bit.

Kokichi: Well! Ehm..I knew you would be worried about me! Well but now I gotta go! See ya Shumai!



I then went outside of the library with my usual walk, but after Shumai couldn't see me anymore I ran into my dorm. I leaned against the door and slid it down. I placed my hand where my heart was. What the Hell is this?! feels so goddamn weird!..I sighed deep and looked at my finger. His warmth was actually a bit i still..can feel the warmth of his hand. I tried to calm down, but it didn't really work. I looked at the board, where I have pictures of all my classmates on it. I sighed.

I'll just ignore that day.

Sooo! Thanks for reading this chapter!
How did you like it my Unis? Sorry I completely forgot this book for these 3 days..

Ehm! Well I'm so thankful for all who are reading this! Love ya!

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