Chapter 18: Kokichis childhood (part 1)

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I looked at Shuichi for a long time and treated his wounds carefully. I can't believe I hurted him. I hurted the most important person in my life..I'm such a horrible friend...

Kokichi: you want some..tea?

Shuichi smiled softly.

Shuichi: yes..would be great.

I nodded, then stood up and went to my small kitchen. After a time the tea was finished. Shuichi was sitting on my bed and looked at some photos of us or our class. I sat down next to him silently and handed him his tea. He thanked me and then started to drink the tea carefully. I also made some for me so we just sat next to each other and silently drank our tea till shuichi started to talk softly.

Shuichi:..the tea is ready to talk about it? Or do you need some time, because it's completely fine if you do-

Kokichi: no it's deserve to know Shumai..but it's..a long story..'s alright.

Kokichi:..o-okay then..

I sighed deep and started to tell him the story of my whole..childhood..

„About 11 years ago I lived in a small town called wellbride. It was a really small town but it had everything someone needed. A hospital, police station, grocery stores but the most important thing: a big forest. My Mom and dad always loved the nature and they teached me to love it too. My Mom and dad were such great people. They were really inspiring. My Mom was an artist while my Father was an actor. We three lived together in a beautiful house. A very big house with a beautiful garden. I remember exactly how it looked like. When I was 5 my life had just begun. My Mother always sang me to sleep and teached me how to be polite and grateful. My dad always made me show my more crazy side. The side where I was playing around like a wild tiger. They were great parent and I knew that already with my 5 years old. We often did things together like holidays or just camping days. Spending time with family were the most important thing for my mother and father. They always wanted me to have the best childhood, something they sadly couldn't have. My parent were in war when they were children. They both lived in a town far far away from here. My Mother lost her father and my father lost his siblings there. They never wanted me to experience the same, that's why they moved far away from their home. Somewhere safe. My parents were already married for 15 years when I was 5. They still acted like teenagers together tho..haha..
Yeah..they really loved each other. And they loved me. I could see that. They never spoiled me but they showed their love when we were spending time together. They even watched with me child movies that were totally boring. Just so I wouldnt be alone. They educated me to be a kind child. I never stole anything from another child. I also never was mean to someone, just because I didn't want to disappoint my parents. I really..really loved them. My life was like a dream come true. I also had some friends. Not a lot but that didn't matter to me. I was just happy to have some. Everytime they came to visit me, my mom made my favorite cake. Her special Blueberry-lemon cake. It always was so delicious and it always made me happy. I remember how I sometimes ate it when I came home from kindergarten. It really made my day better and she knew it. She always told me how her father made this cake for her. I loved to listen to her stories.
My father always worked a lot, but he was never to tired for anything. Atleast he always played with me even after work. I really appreciate it. My father also liked to tell his stories. But he always told them when I needed to go to sleep.
Everything was perfect till..I turned 6.
It was a really beautiful day and I was playing with my football outside while dad was talking with friend. I really had fun playing but then the football rolled down to the street. I was..stupid and wanted to get it back, so I just went to the street without even looking. And just in that moment a car came with..such high speed at me. I picked the ball up and looked at the car in shock. I couldn't move and wanted to close my eyes as I suddenly was pushed away. I then heard a loud crash. I landed on the cement and suddenly blood was spilling on me. I slowly stood up. My sight slowly getting better. I heard my mom screaming while crying that I shouldn't look but it was to late. I stared at my father lying on the street, completely bloody. My eyes only widden as I didn't even realize what happened. The whole street, my legs, my hands and my face were covered in blood. I then only realized that this blood..was his. The driver came out of the car in shock and called the ambulance while the driver actually cried in shock. did I Mom. I wanted to scream, but my Mom ran to me covered my eyes so I won't see him anymore. I only heard her crying bitterly. She didn't want to believe it. Then I heard the ambulance coming and they took my father away. My mother was always too kind. She wasn't angry at the driver. She wasn't angry at me. She only was sad. The driver apologized a lot and my mom said that it was..okay. She didn't even report her. My mom was purely kind hearted. My dad was in the hospital for 2 weeks. I remember how I came to the hospital everyday talking to my sleeping dad about my day and how..sorry I was. I knew that he couldn't hear me, but I just didn't want to believe it. Then after the 2 weeks, the doctor slowly came to us and told us that he didn't make it. My mother broke down in tears while I just stared in horror at my dead father. His heart not beating. Only one day later we had the funeral of him. My Mom didn't cry there. She acted strong for me. She hugged me and told me that I never should think that it was my fault. The funeral was that day where I truly realized what happened..and even tho she said I shouldn't think that it was my fault I did. I didn't want to accept his death. I mean..why would I?

I was only 6 after all...

Soooo my Unis! This was the chapter! I hope you liked it and yes. I wrote three chapters in one day. Just for you!<3
Well actually because I didn't update for more than a week but well I had a lot of energy sooo..yeah!
I hope you like this story and I would always love some feedback!<3

Anyway well read each other!
Till next time,

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