Chapter 4

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A couple of hours later, they had all met up at a restaurant and ate dinner, then headed to a club not far from there. Yoongi still wasn't really feeling like letting loose, but he agreed to at least a few drinks regardless.

He was heading to the bar to get another when he bumped into a person obviously on their way to the dance floor. He turned around to apologize and was shocked at who he found.



"Uh, I – "

"Crazy meeting you here!" she slightly shouted over the music. "Are you here with your friends?"

"Yeah," Yoongi confirmed. "We're all over there," he said, pointing to their booth. Hana glanced over, but none of the others had noticed Yoongi talking to her. Yoongi breathed a slight sigh of relief at this fact.

"I'll come over and say hi in a bit," Hana said. "I mean, if that's okay..."

Yoongi considered this. He knew how his friends would react to seeing Hana, and he wasn't sure he wanted to deal with their smugness. But, he didn't want to be rude.

"Yeah, sure," he said, somewhat reluctantly, but Hana didn't seem to notice.

"Great!" she said, flashing what Yoongi was beginning to learn was her signature bright smile. "Oh! Come meet my friend! You might know her! She's 3C!"

Yoongi nodded. "Sujin, right?"

"Yeah!" Hana confirmed. "Come say hi!"

Yoongi internally sighed, but followed her since she was headed to the bar. When they arrived, Sujin was just receiving two drinks. She turned around and handed one to Hana.

"Oh, hey, Yoongi!" she said. "Are you here with Misun?"

Both Yoongi and Hana stiffened. "Sorry," Hana immediately offered. "I guess she doesn't know."

Yoongi shook his head. "It's been really sudden. I'm not surprised."

"What's going on?" Sujin asked curiously.

"Misun and I broke up," Yoongi told her, and her face immediately took on a look of horror.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, you didn't know. I just moved out today."

Sujin looked sympathetic. "I'll miss being your neighbor," she offered.

"Thanks, likewise," Yoongi replied.

He quickly pushed his way closer to the bar top, hoping to get his next drink and get back to his friends. He was supposed to be here to forget about Misun for awhile, and instead, he was just being constantly reminded of her.

"Well," Hana said after Yoongi had ordered. "We'll see you around out here," she said, pointing to the dance floor. "Yeah?"

"Oh, no, I don't dance," Yoongi said, cringing slightly at the thought. "But again, feel free to stop by our booth and say hi to the guys."

"You don't dance?" Hana asked incredulously. "Then why come to a club?" she elbowed him good-naturedly, indicating she was teasing.

Yoongi took the drink the bartender handed him and gestured at it. Hana chuckled, nodding.

"You deserve that, it seems," she said with a smile. "Well, we're going to dance for awhile. Enjoy your drink!"

"Thanks," Yoongi replied as Hana grabbed Sujin's empty hand and began pulling her toward the dance floor. He watched them go, shook his head slightly, then headed back toward his friends. When he got there, he noticed a small smile on Namjoon's face. He internally groaned. Namjoon had seen the interaction.

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