Chapter 13

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As they sat on the bus on the way back to Misun's, she reached over and grasped Yoongi's hand. And in spite of himself, he let her and didn't pull away. He knew she needed comfort right now, and he wanted her to remain calm. Despite everything that had happened between them, he didn't want her to harm herself or the baby. And so he simply squeezed her hand and left his there.

Misun didn't seem to want to let go of Yoongi even as they rode the elevator up to her floor and walked to her door. Once they were there, she turned to him.

"Thanks for bringing me home," she said quietly.

"You're welcome," Yoongi replied.

"If you ever..." But Misun seemed to think better of her next words and cut herself off. She sighed as she spoke next. "I'll never forget you, Yoonie. You were the best person I've ever been with, and I'm sorry I ruined it. I'll never be able to forgive myself."

Yoongi squeezed her hand. "Don't torture yourself over it. You need to move on, too. You'll find someone else, and you'll be a great mother."

Tears sprang to Misun's eyes. Yoongi vaguely heard a door open and close behind him as Misun suddenly stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek gently. "You really are the best," she said quietly.

Yoongi had almost told her goodbye for good when he felt someone walking past them. He looked over and saw Hana headed toward the stairs. His stomach dropped as he immediately let go of Misun's hand. He looked at her kindly one last time, however.

"Goodbye, Misun."

"Goodbye, Yoonie."

He waited until Misun was inside her apartment before he took off, running down the stairs.

He made it downstairs and to the bus stop just in time to watch it take off, with Hana sitting in a seat by a window.

"Fuck," Yoongi sighed. He knew exactly what Hana had assumed and that, combined with the fact that he hadn't responded to her texts for a week, left him desperately wanting to remedy the situation.

Because he finally understood why he wanted to do that. He finally understood why he cared so much about what she thought about him. He finally understood why he'd asked for her number...why he thought about her so much...why he wanted to make sure she always got home safely.

He understood, and he knew he had to explain.

Yoongi knew the bus she'd left on was one the one that took her to work, so he decided to head there. Unfortunately, he had to wait until it came back. As he waited, he suddenly remembered he had her phone number. He quickly pulled out his phone and called her, but there was no answer.

Yoongi Han, let me explain.

Yoongi Please.

Yoongi It's not what you think.

He waited very impatiently, hoping beyond hope that she'd reply. He was honestly shocked when she did.

Hana It doesn't matter what I think. It's not like it affects me.

Yoongi stared at his phone.

Yoongi But it does. It affects both of us.

Hana It's fine, Yoongi. Don't worry about me.

Yoongi's heart sank when he saw that she'd used his real name instead of her nickname for him. He wasn't sure what else he should say over text. So, he didn't say anything else for the time being. Instead, he simply watched the buses coming by as he bounced his leg up and down impatiently.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, the bus that would take him to his side of town came back, and he immediately boarded it. As he dropped into a seat, he contemplated exactly what he was going to say to Hana when he reached her. After what felt like a million thoughts swirled through his head, he finally decided he was just going to have to wing it.

Once it had reached his stop, Yoongi practically ran off the bus as it was still moving. He sprinted toward the cafe, threw open the door and searched for Hana. But, she was nowhere to be seen. His chest constricted as he approached the counter.

"Is Hana working today?" he asked the cashier.

"She was," the girl replied. "But she started feeling sick, so our manager told her to go home."

Yoongi's heart leapt. He must have just missed her. That means she'd be having to wait for the bus to come back.

He hurried out of the cafe and dashed straight to the bus stop.

And there she was, waiting on the bench with a melancholy look on her face. Yoongi wanted to rush over to her, but figured that would probably scare her off. So, instead, he walked over and carefully sat down beside her.

"The baby's not mine," he said, without waiting to see if she even realized he was there. "The real father left her, not even waiting to see if he was the father."

Hana glanced at him, and Yoongi continued.

"I told her I didn't want to get back together either way. I think she still hoped it was mine, though, so she'd have someone to support her." Yoongi sighed. "She was scared and sad. She almost had a panic attack at the doctor's office. I decided to accompany her home so she would stay calm at least until she got there."

This time, Yoongi glanced at Hana, but she'd already turned her head, looking down at her lap instead.

"She held my hand for comfort, and if that was what would calm her down, I was willing to do it. When we got back to her apartment, she told me she was sorry for ruining our relationship. Then she kissed me on the cheek; I guess as a final goodbye. I didn't stop her because I wasn't expecting it. But I guess I really didn't mind in the end. She needs closure just as much as I do, you know?"

Hana didn't reply.

"I'm sorry you had to see all that, but what I just told you is the truth. And I don't have any plans to see her again. Unless, of course..."

Hana finally looked up and met Yoongi's eyes.

"We happen to cross each other's path whenever I visit you."

Hana sucked in a small breath. "You still want to visit me? Even though she's there?"

Yoongi reached over and took her hand. "Hana, I want to do everything with you. Visit you, see you randomly, talk to you." He held up their now intertwined hands. "Hold your hand, take you out, be with you as often as I can be."

Tears sprang to Hana's eyes. "Yeah?"

Yoongi squeezed her hand. "Yeah."

"I want that, too," Hana said quietly.

Yoongi smiled. "Yeah?"

Hana nodded. "Yeah."

"There's one other thing I want to do," Yoongi said as he moved a bit closer to her.

"And what's that?" Hana asked breathlessly.

"Kiss you."

Hana smiled shyly. "Okay."

And Yoongi did just that. He gently placed his lips on hers and smiled against them when she kissed him back. After a few moments, they broke apart and there was a slight blush on both of their cheeks.

"So, are you still feeling sick?" Yoongi asked.

"I've made a miraculous recovery," Hana replied with a chuckle.

"Well, since we're both already off work anyway, let me take you to lunch."

Hana shook her head slightly. "You don't have to do that."

Yoongi rolled his eyes as he stood. "Just c'mon," he said, pulling her up with him.

He then hooked her hand he'd been holding around his arm, and together they walked away. To lunch, to the future, to a new beginning.

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