Chapter 10

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Yoongi found that he couldn't concentrate on his work. He was still concerned about Hana being out so late by herself. He had to take his laptop home that evening to finish the work that he couldn't due to being so distracted.

He sighed as he entered his apartment and made himself some dinner. Then he settled in at the kitchen table, opening his laptop and preparing to work.

But he found himself simply staring at the screen. Finally, he packed everything up and headed out of his apartment again. He couldn't stand it. He needed to see her.

Yoongi entered the cafe and looked around at the counter. There was Hana, cheerfully taking orders. He smiled at the sight of her, and how happy she seemed.

He got in line and waited his turn. When he made it to the front, Hana looked up and did a double take.

"Not fate this time," she said with a slight smirk.

Yoongi chuckled as he shook his head. "I have some work to do and keep getting distracted at home. Thought maybe being here would help me concentrate."

"It gets pretty busy and noisy here sometimes," Hana told him. Yoongi shrugged.

"White noise."

Hana laughed. "Whatever you say. Iced Americano?"

Yoongi nodded. "Yes, please."

Yoongi spent the rest of the evening working at the small table he'd occupied after receiving his first drink. He'd ordered a couple more throughout the course of the night, not wanting to take up a table without continuing to be a proper customer. By the time Hana approached his table to let him know the cafe was about to close, Yoongi had finally finished his work. He sighed as he stretched, happy to be done.

"Did you finish?" Hana asked politely.

"Yep, finally."

"That's good. Do you need anything else before you go?"

Yoongi shook his head. "No more caffeine for me. I'll be up halfway through the night at this point already."

Hana chuckled. "You gotta learn some moderation."

"I suppose so," Yoongi agreed. He then stood and gathered his things. Hana began wiping down his table, and Yoongi simply watched her.

"You sure you don't need anything else?" she asked, feeling his gaze on her.

"I'm sure," he replied. "I'll be going then."

"It was good to see you again, Yoongles."

"Always a pleasure, Han."

He then exited the cafe. Instead of heading home, however, he executed his plan to wait at the bus stop for Hana. When she finally approached, she stopped in her tracks upon seeing him.

"What – "

"Don't worry about it. I just want to make sure you get home safely."

"But – "

"You're not a bother," Yoongi interrupted, guessing what she was thinking. "I just don't like the idea of you going so far so late by yourself."

"I told you – "

"I know. But still."

Hana shook her head as she sat down beside him on the bench. "You're one of a kind, aren't you, Yoongles?"

Yoongi shrugged, and Hana smiled.

"Thanks," she said quietly. "I can do this myself, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me a little bit nervous."

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