Chapter 11

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Yoongi called out of work the next day, unable to get his mind off of Misun. He still was reeling from the encounter the night before, and couldn't concentrate on anything else.

He briefly considered going to a bar, but knew that wouldn't solve his problems. So, he decided to drink at home. Sure, that wouldn't solve his problems either, but at least it would be cheaper.

Hana Yoongles?

Yoongi sighed as he sipped on his second glass of whiskey.

Yoongi What?

A few minutes passed with no response, but there was eventually a chime.

Hana I'm sorry if I'm bothering you.

Yoongi You're not. I'm just not in a very good place right now.

Hana I understand. I'm sorry it happened. I can't help but feel somewhat responsible. If you wouldn't have accompanied me home, you never would've been in that situation.

Yoongi I chose to take you home. You didn't ask me to.

Hana I know, but still.

Yoongi Look, it's fine. I got to make sure you were safe, and now I know where I truly stand with Misun. No harm, no foul in the end.

Hana Okay.

Yoongi tossed his phone aside after there was no further reply. He finished his glass of whiskey in one final gulp, then set about pouring another. He had just about finished it as well when a knock sounded on his door.

He dragged himself over to it, taking his time as he still wasn't interested in interacting with anyone. When he opened it, however, he was surprised to see all five of his friends other than Namjoon standing there.

Before he could say anything, they pushed past him into the apartment. Jimin reached out and plucked the glass of whiskey from his hand.

"Hey!" Yoongi shouted, following behind him. "Give that back!"

Jimin spun around. "What happened?"

Yoongi stared at him. "What?"

"Namjoon said you called out today," Seokjin said, and Yoongi internally cursed himself for telling his best friend he'd decided to.

"He wanted to check on you, but he had to work," Jungkook explained. "So, we're here."

"Obviously," Yoongi said, annoyed.

"You never call out for anything," Taehyung said. "What gives?"

"Maybe I just needed a day with my own thoughts," Yoongi snapped. "It's not like my life has been all sunshine and roses lately."

"Yoongs," Hoseok said seriously. "What happened?"

Yoongi surged forward and swiped his drink out of Jimin's hand. Before his friend could react, he'd downed the rest of the glass. "None of your business," he finally answered.

Hoseok sighed. "We're just concerned about you."

"Well, don't bother. I'm fine."

"Clearly," Jimin said sarcastically as he tried to wrestle the whiskey bottle from Yoongi, who had just picked it up. Seokjin then stepped in and placed a hand on Jimin's arm.

"Leave it," he told Jimin. "Let him do what he needs to do."

"We've just never seen you like this," Jungkook told Yoongi quietly.

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