Chapter 6

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 "You ran into her again?! What're the odds?"

Yoongi sighed at Hoseok's words. "It's not that big a deal, Hobi. I just – "

"Not that big a deal?" Jungkook asked. "This is like fate, man!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Fate's not real," he insisted.

"It is a bit strange, though, don't you think?" Seokjin said. "It's like she just – "

"Pops up out of thin air," Namjoon interrupted, looking at Yoongi with an amused smile.

Yoongi scowled. "Don't throw my own words in my face."

Namjoon shrugged. "Seems like you fated yourself."

"Oh, please," Yoongi scoffed.

"Yoongs, promise us something," Jimin said suddenly. Yoongi groaned.


"If you see her again, get her phone number."

"What?!" Yoongi asked incredulously. "No!"

"Why not?" Jimin demanded.

"Yeah, fate!" Hoseok said, doing jazz hands. Everyone else began laughing.

"I'm still not moved on from Misun," Yoongi said, sobering the mood. "Don't try to push me into something I'm not ready for."

The others all looked around at each other, sheepish looks now on their faces.

"We're not, Yoongs," Namjoon assured. "We just find it interesting how you keep running into her. But we'll leave it alone."

"Thank you," Yoongi said. "Now, can we please get to work?"

And they all did get to work, moving Yoongi's furniture into his new apartment. Yoongi treated them all to pizza when they were done, and as they were sitting around eating, Namjoon suddenly pulled out his phone and furrowed his brow at the screen.

"Yoongs," he said.

Yoongi looked over at him, and Namjoon passed him his phone.

Misun Please tell Yoongi to answer his phone. It's important.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. He'd been dodging her calls and texts all day. He glanced up at Namjoon and, knowing what Yoongi wanted to ask, he simply nodded his head. Yoongi quickly typed out a reply.

Namjoon Leave Namjoon alone. No one, including me, has anything else to say to you.

Yoongi then felt his own phone vibrate in his pocket. He reluctantly took it out as he handed Namjoon's phone back to him.

Misun Since you can't be an adult about it, I guess I'll just tell you over text.

Misun I'm pregnant.

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