5. Consequences

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I wake up the next morning, seeing Charles is not next to me. I can hear noises in the hallway and get up. I open up the door a little bit to listen.

A: What do you mean she's here?

C: Don't yell, she's still asleep, Arthur.

A: Charles, she's the damn princess of Monaco. The news are all over her being disappeared all of the sudden.

C: I know, but she had to-

I go out and interrupt Charles. I hate when someone talks about me like this.

E: Good Morning.

A+Ca: Your highness.

Arthur and a girl next to him curtsy. It's probably his brothers girlfriend. I need to smile looking over to Charles who can't hide a little giggle.

E: Oh no, please don't do this and call me Elisabeth.

A: I'm Arthur, Charles little brother, nice to meet you.

Ca: I'm Carla, Arthur girlfriend.

E: So I guess, I got your clothes, thank you for this.

Ca: Well, Charles didn't tell me it would be for you. I would've look for something else and-

E: It's perfect, thank you.

An awkward silence fills the room and I feel like I'm the problem again. It sucks being a princess. Nobody acts normal towards me. I let out a little sigh.

E: Guess, it's time for me to go now. Thank you Charles and have a good time in Italy.

I smile and go to him and give him a little kiss on his cheek. He blushes but smirks.

C: How do you want to get to the palace, huh?

E: Oh, yeah, true

I didn't think about that but I get interrupted by the door ring. Arthur opens the door and I see my brother running into the apartment with a mad face. 3, 2, 1... here we go:

S: Elisabeth, I can't believe you! What were you thinking?

He is followed by mine and his bodyguard. Charles, Arthur bows and Carla curtsy to Simon. I need to giggle but see Simon's look and put my hand before my mouth.

S: Do you think this is funny? Dad is fuming!

E: No, of course not.

I look down and show him I feel sorry.

E: Wait, how did you find me?

S: Your phone location, but don't worry I haven't told anyone... yet.

I nod thankfully and still show him I feel sorry. He sighs and gives me a hug. Simon and I always protect each other, knowing the struggle of being royal. We try to understand each other.

S: You can't do this, Elisabeth. The media was waiting for you and August. Dad is not amused.

E: I just couldn't handle a proposal, Simon. I don't want to marry August.

Simon sees my teary eyes. He has his hand resting on my shoulder when he looks up and meets Charles eyes.

S: Are you the guy from the dinner?

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