14. Secrets

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When I hear that my sister had to go to the hospital, I immediately left from my engagement with the french president. I hurried up to be with her. When I arrived my mom and dad were already there. I see her laying pale on the hospital bed, while she's is unconscious. What happened to her? We're currently waiting for the results of the test they made. We look up as the doctor walks in.

Doctor: Princess Elisabeth has malnutrition. She didn't eat a lot in the past few weeks. Her stomach was nearly empty. She gets support now, but she needs to fight now to wake up.

I knew she didn't eat a lot recently, that she lost weight but I didn't say anything about it. I thought that's the girl thing before you marry someone you want to be skinny. That's what Madeline did at least. My dad walks in the room up and down.

Queen Sophia (QS): That's all your fault, George.

KG: Don't talk to me like this.

QS: No, if you wouldn't have drag her into the marriage, she would be fine. Look how skinny she became. She was giving us signs but we ignored it. All eyes were on your perfect weeding.

That's enough. How could they blame each other now? Elisabeth needs us.

S: Mom! Dad! Shouldn't we stick together now? Elisabeth is unconscious.

They both sigh and sit back. I look to my sister who's not moving at all. I look around the hospital room, as I notice something.

S: Where is August?

Everyone looks around. My dad goes to the door, where Elisabeth's and dads bodyguards are waiting and protecting the room.

KG: Ryan, where is Duke August?

R: I haven't seen him here, your majesty.

KG: Find him! Elisabeth is his fiancée, he should be here.

He became angry and the security starts to look for August. A few hours went by but they couldn't find him. As it good late now, we decided to head back home. The doctor said she needs some silent. We couldn't do something anyways. We leave Ryan behind and he will call us like the hospital if Elisabeth wakes up. I hope it will be soon.


I'm waiting at the back entrance of the hospital for a few minutes now. Ryan wasn't seen anywhere. I get nervous. I need to see her. I need to make sure she's fine. Suddenly the door gets open and a know head is popping out.

R: You wanna see her?

I nod with a smile and follow him upstairs to her room. My heart beats faster. Is she okay?

R: She's not awake yet. I hope, you can help her.

He neck bows and leaves him alone in the hospital room. She looks not good. My heart breaks into pieces seeing her like this, laying on the hospital bed without any reactions. I walk over to her bed and stroke over her cheek before I move her hair out of the face. Even now she looks so pretty. I missed her the past weeks.

C: I'm here Elisabeth.

I whisper. I don't know if she can hear me but sometimes they say unconscious people can. I sit down on a chair next to her bed and take her hand in mine. I stoke with my finger over the top of her hand thinking about what I could say to her. I need to apologize. I don't want her to hate me.

C: I'm sorry for that night. I know I fucked things up. I wish I could turn back times. I never meant to hurt you. I miss you.

I feel so guilty. Maybe this is my fault. Maybe she wouldn't be here if I wouldn't have hurt her. Maybe she would be fine now. I lay my head on her hand as I notice she doesn't move.

PRINCESS [Charles Leclerc] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora