39. Rumors

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Four weeks have passed and it's the Japan Grand Prix. Simon was coming with us this weekend, so did Lorenzo. I find myself sitting with the big brothers in the Ferrari hospitality, when Simon hands me the iPad.

Is Princess Elisabeth of Monaco pregnant? We saw her entering the paddock in a red dress for the Japan Grand Prix with a baby bump. Is she marrying Charles Leclerc because she got pregnant?

 Is she marrying Charles Leclerc because she got pregnant?

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E: I told you, I can't hide it anymore.

S: We have to. We're going to deny the rumors.

E: I can't do some magic and the bump is gone, Simon.

We both look outside. It started to rain. Simon calls our staff to bring me other more wide clothes. In that moment Charles walks in pouring wet.

C: Princess, you're all over the news.

He looks at me, already changed.

S: Charles, this is going to be bad, if we don't deny it.

Lorenzo crosses his arms and looks at me. Simon already gives me a glance, as he notice the tension between Lorenzo and me going on.

L: How? Look at her.

In that moment Mia also runs inside. Looks like everyone saw the news already.

M: Charles, did you-

C: Yes.

M: So it's true?

She looks confused, breathing heavily as she probably did the fastest run of her life. Simon goes between them. He introduces himself as my brother and the crown prince. Our PR team is already working on this the royal way.

M: Okay, but is it true or not? Charles is going to the media soon. We need a strategy.

Simon wasn't able to answer her as Mattia walks into the hospitality, also breathing heavily. How fast can this kind of news spread please? I sit down.

Mattia: Charles, do you have to tell me anything?

Mia: I'm already on it.

Charles and Simon start to discuss with Mia and Mattia. I just sit down, watching them. Lorenzo takes place next to me.

L: Sorry for being so harsh to you, but how do you wanna deny it?

I think about what Lorenzo said. I'm not giving him one look before I stand up to stop them discussing.

E: Stop all of you!

They shut up and look at me surprised. Charles sighs, knowing how I feel. He mouths sorry.

E: This is about me. Just tell them I ate too much, recently. But also that Charles and I wanna get pregnant soon to start our own family.

I thank them without giving them a chance to answer something. I take my jacket and leave. Charles follows me. I try to be strong and don't start crying as he grabs my wrist.

E: I told you, I can't hide it anymore. The baby bump is here.

C: Hey, it's gonna be okay.

He pulls me into a hug. We're standing behind the hospitality.

E: They're all gonna freak out. Lorenzo is right. We can't deny it anymore. We knew the moment would come.

C: The wedding is in two weeks. Just two more weeks, princess.

He pulls me closer, giving me a kiss on my head. They will never stop talking about us marrying because of my pregnancy. It's true on one hand but Charles and I love us. It would have happened at some point anyways. We just fast this up.

C: I marry you, because you're the love of my life, Betty. Don't listen to everyone, okay? Especially not Lorenzo.

E: I hate being a royal.

C: You're the best princess in the world. Stop saying that. Everyone loves you. You do so many good things and help the world to be a little better.

E: But everything is too much right now. I just wanna cry.

I laugh. I can't handle the pressure right now but I know people are watching us and I can't break down crying after this kind of news. I can't break down crying any time.

C: Cry, let it all out.

He nudges my nose smiling. It makes me laugh even more. He knows what to do to cheer me up.

E: It's the hormones. Can't do anything against them.

I wish one little tear away. The hormones sometimes are really getting out of hand.

Simon walks over with Lorenzo, telling us, that the palace will release a statement and that Charles won't answer any questions about his private life. They'll let the media notice about it before the press conference.

C: Thank you Simon.

Simon nods to Charles before he turns to me. His mood gets worried.

S: You okay?

E: Just pregnancy hormones.

I laugh, Charles joins me. The four of us talk a bit before the race is gonna start. I tell Charles to stay safe since it's raining a lot.

I go with Lorenzo and Simon in the garage to watch the race from here. Luckily I'm not alone since time since Isa didn't join today. The race starts in heavy rain. I start to worry about Charles safety.

L: They have to stop the race.

E: Yes, I mean it's Suzuka. They have to stay safe.

Lorenzo turns to me surprised.

L: Wait, you know?

E: Guess I know more than you think.

I give him a smile and can feel his eyes still laying on me surprised. Maybe he will know now that I support Charles racing and life with my whole heart.

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