18. I love you

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The past few days I started to get back to royal engagements. It's the first time I work as a royal again after what happened with August. I was pretty nervous but Charles was always supporting me even tho he's miles away. I had to give him updates all the time and also he talked with me about his race weekend. I'm happy I'm going to see him again soon. We have only been away for 4 days but I missed him so much.
I came home and walk into my room when I see a bouquet of red roses on my bed. I already smile bright and walk over to take the card.

Meet me at the harbour at 3pm tomorrow. C x

I put the card to the side and take the roses in my hands. I take a deep breath to smell them. I let Lisa know to get some water and make myself ready for bed. I try to fall asleep quickly so the next day is coming soon.

***NEXT DAY***

I wait with Ryan at the harbour nervously. Waiting for Charles to pick me up, not knowing what he planned for today. Ryan hits me gently against the arm to make me look onto the water. I turn around and see Charles on a small boat.

C: Princess.

He smiles bright and reaches his hand out to me. He helps me onto the boat and I hug him tight, not able to wait for a hug. It's a bit shaking but I don't  are. We nearly fall but it only makes us laugh.

E: I missed you.

C: I missed you too.

Ryan also joins us onto the boat because I'm not allowed to be anywhere without security. Charles drives to his yacht where I meet Arthur and Carla. They are waiting for us with a smile. I hug them both.

E: So nice to see you again.

A: Don't worry. We will leave you alone.

Arthur takes Carla's hand who stumbles laughing behind him. Charles shakes his head and we decide to sit down while looking onto the water.

C: So how were your first events?

He puts a arm around me and we cuddle up a bit. I missed being with him so much.

E: Okay. The questions about August are pretty annoying.

C: Did your dad still hasn't talk to the media?

E: I think he did, but yeah. Nevermind.

C: You're so strong.

E: You make me strong.

I smile as he puts his hand on my cheek. I lean my forehead against his looking into his eyes. We enjoy this moment together. I get up and smile. 

E: How was your race yesterday?

C: Good.

E: I know, Champion.

C: You've watched it during your event?

E: Maybe.

I chuckle and make a little dance around myself, being happy. Charles stands up as well.

E: Looks like you have such a bad influence on me.

He grabs my arm to pull him closer to him. I fall into his arms laughing, standing against his chest. He put his fingers under my chin to make me look into his eyes.

C: Bad princess, huh?

He rubs my cheek which makes the butterflies coming to alive in my stomach. I put my finger on his lip, wanting to tease him as well.

E: Don't tell anyone.

He pulls me closer to kiss me. I wrap my arms around his neck. I feel like my feet moves up, like in one of these movies. It's happening.

Or it happened?

We enjoyed the day at the yacht together and also went into the water with Arthur and Carla.  They already left us again. I lay my head onto Charles lap.

C: I wasn't sure, if you would come.

E: Oh why?

C: Because of the paparazzi they may hide somewhere.

I think about what he said. Maybe he's right and they're already watching us. But at the end we're at the middle of the sea.

E: Do you wanna make us official?

C: Are you sure?

E: I want to be with you. And I want you happy. There is no need to hide us anymore.

He makes me sit up and hugs me tight.

C: I love you, princess.

I look at him surprised. Did he really say this? My heart just dropped and I can't hide my smile. This is really happening.

E: I love you too.

He places his lips onto my mine and we kiss again. I think we will never stop this. I can't keep that to myself. I need to kiss him.

But every perfect day has to come to an end. So Charles brings me back on his small boat. I think about all these memories we made today.

E: Today was absolutely perfect.

C: I'm so lucky to have you!

Why is he so cute? Can he stop being so adorable?

E: I can't believe life can be so fun.

C: Let me show you.

He starts to drive faster. I get a bit scared first and scream which makes Charles laugh. What a great way to end the day.

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