28. I'm Sorry

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After the race we flew immediately back to Monaco. I can't stop thinking about being pregnant. I still have morning sickness. I don't know what I should do if it's true.

We're in the car and Charles drives us to my doctor appointment. Obviously I haven't told anyone about it yet. I look out of the car window, shaking my leg nervously. Charles puts his hand on my thigh.

C: It's gonna be okay.

I don't say anything. Charles takes my hand to give me a kiss on top of it, mumbling that he loves me. I don't know what's gonna happen in the next minutes. If I'm really pregnant I have to break up with Charles. I can't put him into this chaos.

We arrive at the doctor and go straight to her as we asked for privacy. She's always been my doctor and from my mom.

Doctor: Your highness. Mr. Leclerc. Thanks for coming in today. How can I help you?

E: I have morning sickness for over a week.

D: What about your period?

I shrug my shoulders. It was never on time. I never tracked it or do something against it.

E: It's been a few weeks already, I guess.

D: Elisabeth, you know what I told you about that.

I give her soft smile. She wanted me to track it to make sure I don't have anything serious.

D: Okay, let's do an ultrasonic.

I nod and follow her. Charles can also come with me. I lay down and pull my shirt up. She puts the cold cream on my stomach and takes a look at the screen. Charles takes my hand and squeezes it. I'm very sweaty and nervous.

D: You're pregnant, Elisabeth. Congratulation.

E: No, please don't say that.

I can feel the tears coming in my eyes.I shake my head as she makes the picture bigger to show me that tiny little baby in my body.

I can't hold back my tears. All the happiness from the past weeks disappeared. I can't do this. I won't be able for this. I feel Charles arms around me, pulling me into a hug. He rubs over my back.

C: It'll be okay.

He whispers and wishes my tears away. I try to get myself together and try to calm down. Charles looks to the doctor who hands him the ultrasound picture.

C: How far is Elisabeth?

D: About 4 weeks. I need to make a blood test too.

I nod, while I get dressed.

D: You have to be careful, Elisabeth. No stress.

E: Sure.

I thank her and we leave the house after they take some of my blood for more tests. Charles wants to take my hand on the way to that car but I cross my arms. I can't do this right now.

We drive back to the palace in completely silence. The ultrasound picture in my hand. A tears drops on the picture.

E: I'm gonna tell Simon about it.

I look to Charles as he stops the car.

C: We can do it together. You don't have to do it on your own.

E: No. He will be very mad. I don't want you to be there.

C: Okay. Then call me if you need anything.

His voice is different than usual. I close my eyes for a second.

E: Cha, I'm sorry.

C: No, Elisabeth. Leave it. This is also my baby, okay? I get it, this is gonna be a huge royal thing. But instead of pushing me away, we should stick together now.

I swallow and look at him with teary eyes. I shake my head.

E: Sorry, I just can't do this now.

I open the car door by myself and get out. Charles quickly drives away. I look after him before I take a deep breath and go inside. I do feel bad but I need to deal with this on my own first.

I run into my room as I notice I can't hold back my tears anymore. I didn't want to fight with Charles but, this is gonna be the biggest scandal my family will ever have. I close the door quickly behind me, sliding down the wall while crying. This is a mess. I'm gonna destroy the monarchy of Monaco.

I cry for a little bit. I've never cried so much like the past months. I feel like my castle is crumbling. I go to the bathroom and make my Make-Up fresh so nobody can see how I actually feel.

The guards open the doors of Simon's office. I can't hide my red eyes. He stands up seeing me like this and shows the guards to close the door again.

S: Where is Charles? Did he hurt you?

I shake my head and wrap my arms around him. He is surprised but hugs me back.

S: Did something happen at the race?

E: Don't freak out and don't tell anyone please.

S: Can't be that bad. I'm mean it's not like you're pregnant.

My eyes wide open and my heart stops beating for a second. I put my hands infront of my face.

S: Oh lord. Betty, please don't tell me-

E: I'm so sorry.

He walks nervously up and down while running his fingers through his hair. He closes his eyes and pulls me into an another hug. I know he's close to freak out.

S: It was the first thing they taught us as a teenager. No pregnancy before marriage. Actually no sex before marriage but let's forget this rule.

E: I know, I'm sorry.

That's all I can say at the moment. I know I did the biggest mistake. But I can't turn back time.

S: We have to tell Dad.

E: No, Simon. Please, please don't do this to me.


Elisabeth biggest fear became reality.

She's pushing Charles away 🥺

Will Simon tell their Dad?

PRINCESS [Charles Leclerc] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ