43. Comeback

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It's a sunny autumn day and I decide to take a walk in the garden of the palace. The sun shines bright. The baby bump is growing. I walk around happy.

Charles is still America. I take a selfie, which I sent it to him. How much I miss him. Didn't know you could miss a person this much. It got worst since we're married. Or it's just the hormones. Who knows.

Suddenly someone grabs my wrist and pulls me away. My phone drops on the ground. I let out a scream as I got surprised. I'm chest on chest with that man infront of me. I get big eyes as I realize who it is. His voice. His grab.


DA: Hello Princess.

E: August, what the-

I'm still in shocked, but he interrupts me. He gives me a kiss on top of my hand.

DA: Duke August.

I take my hand away and take a step back. My body already starts to shake.

E: What- What are you doing here?

He comes closer again. He rubs over my cheek before he puts his fingers under my chin. I get shivers. Shivers, because I'm scared. I'm terrified.

DA: Missed me, huh?

I look away, already knowing I can't run away. He knows what he's doing. He moves my head to make me face him. His other hand already on my arm, holding it tight.

DA: Can't even look me in the eyes?

He comes with his face closer, nearly touching my lips. My heart beats fast. I want away. I want not to be here. Why is nobody here to help me?

E: What do you want August?

My voice cracks.

DA: Do you really think I would go to jail for someone like you?

He laughs. I still try to get out of his grip.

DA: Our little innocent princess.

E: Leave me alone.

DA: Oh no, you own me something.

He gives me a kiss on the cheek, very softly. I try to take my arm away. I want to run away. But he squeezes tighter. A tear rolls down my cheek. Will he kill me?

E: Tell me what you want, but leave me alone.

He looks around.

DA: Where is your great husband, huh?

E: Leave Charles out of this!

I yell at him.

E: Oh Elisabeth!

He shakes his head laughing and turns around after he let go off you. I take my chance and run away, screaming for help. But he follows me and pushes me onto the ground. I fell hard. I try not to panic.

DA: That was a mistake!!

He comes on top of me, turning me on my back to sit on me. He wanted to slap me in the face, as he got pull of me.



Ryan and Tom.

My lips start to shake. I start to cry.

Ryan comes down to me, asking if I'm okay. He helps me sit up. My body shakes. I'm not able to say anything.

R: We're here. You're safe. Breath.

He kneels down, and even tho I'm not allow to hug him, I wrap my arms around his neck. He rubs over my back, telling me to breathe in and out. I try to calm down. For the baby.

R: Is the baby okay?

I look down, putting my hand on my baby bump. I nod slowly. I hope we're okay.

E: I think, we're good.

Ryan let's go off me, taking a tissue out of his pocket. He moves my hair away.

R: Let me see this. There is a cut.

He puts the tissue on my forehead. I'm bleeding. I try to smile.

E: Thank you, Ryan.

I'm glad he heard me. I told them before I went out, I wanted to be alone. I always thought the palace is safe. I never understood why guards have to be with me while walking around the walls. Now I know. But it's too late.

I look over Ryan's shoulder and see how more guards come and they take August away with Tom. Ryan helps me up.

We walk inside. Ryan brings me to my dad. Mom and Simon are also there.

R: Your majesty, Princess Elisabeth got attacked by Duke August in the garden.

KG: What?

He jumps up, and walks towards me. I run into his arms. I hug him tight. He holds me tight.

E: I was so scared.

KG: Do everything with the police Ryan. Get him arrested.

I start to cry again. My dad wants me to sit down and to tell him everything. As I walk over, I start to feel dizzy and break down.

I collapse.

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