Chapter 3; Avengers

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Wow!" Maggie exclaimed when they got out of the limo. She had never seen a tower as cool as the Avengers Tower. The longer she admired it, the taller the building grew. At the top, stood a large platform, where Maggie definitely wanted to stand and look over the city.

Tony and Pepper stood beside Maggie as she drank in the sight with wide eyes. He laughed a little at her reaction.

"Well, do you want to look at it all day, or do you wanna follow me inside?" Tony asked sarcastically. Pepper rolled her eyes.

She jogged off the sidewalk to catch up to him. She skipped beside him as they passed citizens walking around on the sidewalk. They stepped inside the tower and  to the elevator.

"Tony?" Maggie's soft voice said.

Tony looked down at her, "What, shorty?"

"Can I hold your hand?" She asked in a tiny pleading voice.

"What is with you and holding hands? No, you can not hold my hand." Tony explained firmly.

"Momma always held my hand." Maggie muttered unhappily as she casted her eyes down towards her feet.

Tony glanced at her with guilty eyes. He did feel bad for the kid. After all, her mom just died and she was stuck with the famous Tony Stark for a dad. But even he didn't like the idea of himself as a dad, he knew she probably would not either.

He sighed obnoxiously and held his hand out for her to grasp. She gave a sad smile and grabbed his hand in her tiny one.

"Tony, will Captain America be here?" Maggie asked as they waited for the elevator to reach its destination.

"Uh, yeah...maybe​." He answered halfheartedly.

She beamed at him. "I want to meet him so bad."

Their elevator stopped at the top floor, the lounge room. Tony stepped out first, leading the way into the room where most of the Avengers sat.

A tall, blonde man turned from the window to see who arrived. "Who is the young maiden, Anthony?"

"Tony-" He corrected Thor as he released Maggie's hand and walked to the bar.

"That's Maggie she's my..." For once Tony Stark was at a loss for words. He couldn't say daughter. It just didn't feel right. Not yet.

"Oh God, is she your long lost daughter, Stark?" Natasha joked as she stood from the couch and crossed her arms over her chest.

"....yeah..." Tony replied as he poured himself a drink.

"Of course." Natasha muttered in disbelief.

"Your daughter?" Steve Rogers aka Captain America asked as he and the rest of the Avengers made their way over.

Maggie beamed at him with wide eyes from beside Pepper.

"Hey, little one," he greeted as he bent down to shake her hand.

"Oh my gosh, I've always wanted to meet you! I have a bunch of trading cards of you that my uncle Phil had, and I have-" She began, but Hawkeye cut her off.

"Wait, your uncle is Phil Coulson?" He guessed.

She paused and looked at them as if it was obvious.

"Yeah, Uncle Phil. Well, not by blood, he met me and my mother a few years ago." She gasped. "Is he here? I haven't seen him in ages! I gotta show him the new trading card I got off of eBay."

The whole room grew silent, not wanting to tell her the grave news of her family member.

"W-what?" She asked cautiously.

Everyone gave Tony the 'you-have-to-tell-her' look. Stark winced and looked at Maggie's fearful face.

"Maggie, uh...Phil isn't here anymore." Tony struggled.

"What do you mean?" She questioned with tears in her beautiful eyes, as she took a step back.

Steve sighed and took the lead. "Maggie, Phil died during Loki's attack on earth last year."

Maggie gasped and tears rolled down her pink cheeks. Pepper immediately bent down to her and brought her into a warm embrace. Even though Pepper didn't really enjoy the girl's company, she still didn't want to see her cry.

"Do you want me to show you where your room is, sweetheart?" Pepper whispered to her.

Maggie nodded awkwardly and grabbed her hand and followed her to the elevator.

As soon as the door closed behind the two, the entire room started to talk at once. Most of them were directed at Stark.

"Of course you have a daughter! I knew you were low, but I didn't know you were that low!" Natasha fumed.

"Congratulations, Stark!" Thor laughed as he put his giant arm around Tony.

"How long have you known, Tony?" Bruce Banner inquired timidly.

"Just today." He replied.

"How old is she? Like four? I can't believe you didn't know about her. Oh wait, actually I can." Clint Barton muttered.

"He probably has more long lost children out there." Steve concluded.

"Okay, okay, I get it!" Tony cut in. “I'm not the best parent, but neither are any of you. I had this kid thrust on me 'cuz her mom just freaking died in a car accident okay? I'm scared as hell because I don't know how to raise a kid. I just need some help working some things out okay?" Tony stressed as he rubbed his face with his hands.

The whole room grew silent again as they looked down in shame. Everyone except Clint, that is, he's never ashamed of anything.

"We'll help you, Tony. What do you need us to do?" Steve decided.

Stark ran a hand threw his dark hair as he sighed. "I-I just need you to watch her for a while, I need to figure some things out."

Natasha stepped forward, "We can do that, right guys?" She gave the men a warning look. No one dared to go against her word.

They all muttered "yes"and she looked back at Tony.

"Go figure your crap out then." She challenged with a cunning smile.

Tony gave a weak smile in return and thanked everyone before he left the building.

"Wait, none of us know how to watch a child." Thor said confused.

Natasha face palmed.



(a/n)  Hey lovelies! I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while, I've been busy with other fanfictions. This one was sad wasn't it? Just wait, the next one is sad too. But it gets fluffy!


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