Chapter 13; Bargaining

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A/N; 24,000 views? Are you kidding me?! You guys are amazing! Here's a special chapter just for you lovely fans. 😉


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Tony hated to admit it, but having Maggie mad at him was worse than having Maggie bugging him. It was the day after the party and he had a hangover. It wasn't a terribly bad one, but that wasn't what was bothering him. It was Maggie being upset with him.

"C'mon, are you gonna talk to me now?" Tony asked as sat on a stool outside in his circular driveway at his mansion. Maggie was riding a skateboard around the driveway. The skateboard was given to her by Natasha, who was a big believer of playing with dangerous toys.

She looked adorable today in her pink dress with black polka dots on and her black leggings with black flats. The whole outfit seemed just her; unique.

Maggie shook her head in response. This is when J.A.R.V.I.S. Spoke up.

"I believe miss Maggie is giving you the 'silent treatment'." He informed.

"Thank you, J.A.R.V.I.S." He rolled his eyes at his oblivious butler.

Maggie continued to ride the skateboard around the circular drive.

"Okay, kid," Stark started, "are you going to throw a fit all day?"

"I'm not throwing a fit." She replied without looking up at him.

"Ah, you spoke to me." He pointed a finger at her, and she set a glare on him.

He realized that wasn't gonna help with anything, so he changed his tactics.

"Alright, what can I do to make it up to you?"

"Anything?" She stopped in front of him.

He sighed, "I guess."

She smiled, "Okay, on three conditions-"

"One," Tony interrupted.

"Three." She stood her ground.



"Ugh, fine three." Tony gave up.

"The first condition is that you have to let me in your workshop and I can help you work on stuff." She stated.

Tony tried to speak up but Maggie held her finger up, "Ah, I'm not finished yet."

Stark rolled his eyes again, but remained silent.

"The second condition is that you have to take me up on the roof and watch the stars for a while before we go to bed." She rode the skateboard around again, thinking of how fun it was when she and Thor gazed at the stars.


"And the third condition is that we have to go to visit mom's side of family." She said making Tony tense at her words.

"Why?" He asked slowly.

"Well, I haven't seen them for a few a week, and I barely now you sooo...." She trailed off.

"Do we have to?" Tony whined, truly regretting giving her anything.

"Yes, it'll be fun. Hey, let's go to Grandma's house today!" She said as she stopped in front of him again.

"Hey, let's not." He mocked her, giving his best young little girl voice.

Maggie rolled her eyes. "Come on, Tony, it'll be fun."

Tony really didn't like the idea of visiting Melissa's family. They never really did like him, though, who could blame them. He was a mess when he met her parents. Headstrong and wild. Her family only put up with him because of Melissa.

"I'll drop you off." He decided after a minute.

"What? Why won't you come in?" Maggie asked innocently.

"Because why would any of her family even like me anymore. Or at all." Tony threw his hands up dramatically. He looked down at the ground in deep thought.

"But Grandma likes everybody." Maggie said slowly.

Tony looked back up at his daughter. She wasn't looking at him, she was looking down at her skateboard with a frown. Beneath her long thick lashes, her big brown eyes were fixed on the ground with a solemn look. Her long brown hair caught the light in a way that made it look almost red. She looked just like her mother. Even at the young age seven.

"You're a good bargainer." Tony said.

"Yeah......sooooo will you come?" She looked back up at him.


A/N; this chapter sucks....

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