Chapter 11; The Party (Part 1)

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(There's a pic of cartoon Maggie up top. Isn't she cute!?)

 Isn't she cute!?)

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The limousine pulled up to the curb and Tony said goodbye to Happy. Maggie stepped out onto the sidewalk. She wore a blue frilly dress that went down to her knees with brown little brown flats. Pepper pulled her hair into two little piggy tails for her. Unfortunately Pepper had work to do, so she couldn't come.

"Come on, shorty." Tony said as he lead her inside.

She trotted beside him and reached for his hand. When she grasped it in her own, he yanked it away as if it were on fire.

Maggie looked up at him in shock and embarrassment.

"You don't wanna hold my hand?" She asked quietly.

He sighed, "I'll hold your hand later, but right now it will make me look bad, okay?"

She frowned but nodded. They stepped into the elevator.

"Can I press the button?!" She asked enthusiastically.

Stark shrugged, "Yeah, whatever, 34th floor."

Maggie pressed the number and smiled. She loved pressing the floor number. The doors closed and the elevator began to lift. Maggie turned to the giant glass wall where she could see New York.

"I didn't know this had so many floors." Maggie muttered aloud.

"Yeah, it was the original Stark Tower, but after the battle of New York, I added a few floors and changed it." Tony explained casually.

"Why don't you live here? It's a pretty cool view." Maggie questioned.

Tony grimaced. "Well, there is too much press here. I don't like to be flooded by them."

"Oh," Maggie tilted her head to the side like a confused puppy. "I thought you liked the attention of the press."

He looked over at her. "Not always."

When they got higher, Maggie had to look away from the window. She was afraid of heights and the sight made her sick to her stomach.

She was thankful when the elevator stopped and the doors opened. She hopped out and observed the view. I was a very large room with lots of window and glass.

The room was teeming with adults that she never recognized. The men wore fancy tuxedo like Tony, and the women wore less than flattering dresses.

In the far wall sat a lounge area, where she spotted Natasha and Thor. She smiled and ran over to them, pushing her way through the crowd.

"Avengers!" Maggie called to them when she got there.

The turned around in there seats to look at her. Natasha looked shocked for a moment, but quickly covered it up with a welcoming smile.

Parenthood (Tony Stark's Daughter) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara