*Very Important Authors Note!!*

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If somebody (anybody I'm not picky) wants to make a trailer for this book, that would be so cute! I was kinda basing Maggie off of Mackenzie Foy. But you can add whoever in the trailer.

Guys! I just want to say really quick that I love you all and I love all of your feedback. I read every single one of your comments! And I really appreciate how my story makes you laugh and cry! That's really awesome!

But anyways, this actually has a very important reason behind this Author's Note. So, do you guys think I should just write a book two to the Parenthood series OR do you guys think I should just continue on this one with Imagines/One Shots with Maggie and the Avengers and her dad??? You guys could request the next imagines and I'll write 'em! You can request what age she could be and what the Imagine/ One Shot is about! To tell you honestly, I think that I would update the Imagines more than just another book. Because I just don't have enough time to write anymore. I'm in the middle of a big move and I have more than just this book to update.

So you can decide which one you want me to do more. (I'm leaning on the imagines more but I don't know how many of you will read it!) But Please Comment Your Thoughts!

****If you want a second book you have to comment your favorite scene/ moment in the book!! Please, I love hearing from you guys. It will help motivate myself to write book two faster!!!!*****

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